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Characteristics of Living Things Big Ideas in Biology.

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1 Characteristics of Living Things Big Ideas in Biology

2  What are some characteristics of living things?

3 1. Made up of cells 2. Grow & develop 3. Evolve

4 4. Reproduce 5. Obtain and utilize materials & energy 6. Maintain constant internal environment (homeostasis)

5 7. Have a universal genetic code (DNA) 8. Respond to their environment

6  Cellular Basis of Life ◦ One cell or many  Information and Heredity ◦ Information is coded in DNA  Matter and Energy ◦ Matter to build body structures; and energy to fuel life’s processes

7  Growth, Development, & Reproduction ◦ Newly produced individuals grow and develop and they mature  Homeostasis ◦ Maintaining constant *internal environment (temp, pH, electrolyte levels)  Evolution ◦ All living things share a common ancestor; evidence includes physical features and shared DNA sequences

8  Structure & Function ◦ “Tool kit” of structures that make particular functions possible  Unity & Diversity of Life ◦ Life takes a huge variety of forms, yet is fundamentally similar at the molecular level  Interdependence in Nature ◦ Organisms are linked to one another and to the land, water, and air around them

9  Science as a Way of Knowing ◦ How is science a method for learning? ◦ What are the goals of science? ◦ What are some attitudes of scientists?

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