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Reaction Rates Speed matters! *Watch a Video!*. Reaction Rate Decrease in concentration of reactants with time or Increase in concentration of products.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaction Rates Speed matters! *Watch a Video!*. Reaction Rate Decrease in concentration of reactants with time or Increase in concentration of products."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaction Rates Speed matters! *Watch a Video!*

2 Reaction Rate Decrease in concentration of reactants with time or Increase in concentration of products with time ∆ [reactant or product] M mol/L ∆ time s s ==

3 Reaction Rate Example : [Products] Increase [Reactants] Decrease H 2 + I 2  2 HI

4 Reaction Rate Example [HI] at time t 2 – [HI] at time t 1 ∆ [HI] t 2 – t 1 ∆ t 0.09 M – 0.08 M 0.01 M 7 s – 5 s 2s = = = 0.005 M/s

5 Factors affecting Reaction Rates Temperature Concentration Pressure Surface Area Catalyst

6 Temperature Increasing temperature generally increases reaction rates. Increasing temperature increases the average kinetic energy of particles → reactant particles collide more frequently Increasing temperature by 10 K can double a reaction rate.

7 Concentration & Pressure As concentration increases, reaction rate increases. Increasing concentration increases the collision frequency. For Gas reactants, increasing Pressure increases the concentration of a gas, thus increasing the reaction rate.

8 Surface Area Increasing the surface area of solid reactants increases the opportunity for collisions, speeding up the reaction. Crushing solids increases the surface area, speeding up the reaction.

9 Catalysts speed up a reaction, not being used!

10 Catalyst & Activation Energy

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