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Marketing and Tourism CGG3o1 Lester B Pearson. What is marketing? Marketing is about anticipating and identifying the wants and needs of a target market.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing and Tourism CGG3o1 Lester B Pearson. What is marketing? Marketing is about anticipating and identifying the wants and needs of a target market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing and Tourism CGG3o1 Lester B Pearson

2 What is marketing? Marketing is about anticipating and identifying the wants and needs of a target market of consumers, then satisfying those needs in order to make a profit

3 Marketing 4 P’s Theory Planning Pricing Promoting Placing

4 Planning Identify the needs and interest of tourism consumers Can do this through surveys or by looking at tourism trends

5 Pricing Developing quality tourism experience (destinations or travel packages) that a consumer will consider being at a fair price The customer perceived value for the product. Value = Benefits / Cost

6 Promoting Informing the market about the tourism products (advertising)

7 Placing Refers to convenient for tourism consumers to find out about the tourism product, purchase the tourism package and getting to the tourism destination. Travel agent  travel website

8 When Marketing a Destination:

9 1. Knowing your target market Classifying customers according to socio-economic status, lifestyle, family circumstances, gender and so on

10 2. Shaping Tourist’s Wants Making people want to travel to your destination Choose your destination over others Increase people’s willingness to travel

11 3. Packaging Tourism Packages are combinations of transportation, accommodation, meals and activities Designed to fit specific target markets (ex. seniors, family, luxury or youth)

12 4. Know about Distance Time and distance is important to consider when promoting a tourism location The further away the travel destination is (ex. New Zealand) the more likelihood tourist may be drawn to a destination that is closer to them with similar aspects (ex. British Columbia)


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