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Presentation on theme: "Please turn off or turn down cell phones. Thank You!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please turn off or turn down cell phones. Thank You!

2 Recreation Planning Andy Windsor Kremmling Field Office

3 Table assignment: Complete the following: Planning is … Write your response on the flipchart. (3 minute deadline) Articulating a Desired Future Condition Describing a roadmap to Achieve the Desired Future Condition What is Planning?

4 Over the Handlebars SRP Exercise UC SRMA map on overhead Why do we Plan?

5 3. the student will be able to list the required planning decisions for Recreation and Travel Management found in appendix C of BLM’s Land Use Planning Handbook. Based on the information presented: 1.the student will be able to identify the different levels of plans and describe how the different plans are connected. 2. the student will be able to identify BLM’s 7 bureau-wide objectives for Recreation and Visitor Services and explain the importance of planning in achieving the objectives. 4. the student will be able to list other resource planning responsibilities often assigned to outdoor recreation planners.

6 1. Types of Plans 2. Important BLM guidance for recreation planning - Instruction Memorandums - Unified Strategy for Recreation - Benefits Based Management 3. Appendix C of the Land Use Planning Handbook 4. Ideas to take home

7 - The Master Plan for the Field Office or other management unit (NCA or Monument) - Sets allocations for all resources including recreation - Usually updated every 20 years - Usually takes 3 or more years to complete

8 - Smaller in scale than the Resource Management Plan - Describes specific actions required to implement allocations from Resource Management Plan - Usually covers one recreation management area

9 - Plans a specific implementation action (building a trail, campground, boat launch, etc) - Outlines a proposal to implement a fee program Stay tuned for more details from Matt and Lesly on Thursday!


11 Direction and Guidance: Instruction Memorandum 2007-043 * Commits BLM to implement a Unified Strategy that delivers a collaborative recreation and visitor services planning and management framework * Both resource management planning and activity planning should incorporate the concepts outlined in the Unified Strategy Instruction Memorandum 2006-060 * BLM’s commitment to Benefits Based Management (BBM) * Required decisions found in Appendix C of the Land Use Planning Handbook (H-1601-1)

12 1. Identified a distinctive shift from activity-based recreation management to managing for specific individual, social and economic benefits. 3. Created the Recreation and Visitor Advisory Team (RVSAT) - make recommendations for improving BLM’s recreation and visitor services program - develop a strategy for implementing goals and objective in Purple Book 2. Identified 7 Objectives as Priorities for BLM Recreation and Visitor Services Program

13 Prioritized Objectives From the “Purple Book” Affirmed BLM’s Commitment to Benefits Based Management

14 What Bob and Brian were talking about yesterday! Hierarchy of Seven Purple Book Objectives Objective 1 Manage public lands and waters for enhanced recreation experiences and quality of life. ▼ Objective 2 Encourage sustainable travel and tourism development with gateway communities and provide community-based conservation support for visitor services. ▼ Objective 3 Provide fair value and return for recreation through fee collection and commercial services. Objective 4 Establish a comprehensive approach to travel planning and management. Objective 5 Ensure public health and safety, and improve the condition and accessibility of recreation sites and facilities. ▼ ▼ Objective 6 Enhance and expand visitor services, including interpretation, information and education. Objective 7 Encourage and sustain collaborative partnerships, volunteers and citizen-centered public ▼

15 Hierarchy of Seven Purple Book Objectives Objective 1 Manage public lands and waters for enhanced recreation experiences and quality of life. ▼ Objective 2 Encourage sustainable travel and tourism development with gateway communities and provide community-based conservation support for visitor services. ▼ Objective 3 Provide fair value and return for recreation through fee collection and commercial services. Objective 4 Establish a comprehensive approach to travel planning and management. Objective 5 Ensure public health and safety, and improve the condition and accessibility of recreation sites and facilities. ▼ ▼ Objective 6 Enhance and expand visitor services, including interpretation, information and education. Objective 7 Encourage and sustain collaborative partnerships, volunteers and citizen-centered public ▼ Table Activity: 1.Identify 4 different things you worked on in the past 2 weeks (try to identify things everyone worked on) 2. Write the 4 things on the colored cards on your table 3. Put the cards on the “sticky wall” under the appropriate objective Unified Strategy in Notebook Appendix 6


17 Benefits-based management = a framework for engaging recreation service providers as partners in managing quality recreation settings to produce desired recreation experiences, and personal, social, economic, and environmental benefits. HUH??

18 What was your favorite recreation experience? Why was it the Best? Benefits-based management = a framework for engaging recreation service providers as partners in managing quality recreation settings to produce desired recreation experiences, and personal, social, economic, and environmental benefits. What were you doing? Where were you? Objective #1 planning defines who, what, where, and why?

19 Resource Management Plan Recreation Section Appendix C Decisions

20 SRMA or ERMA Allocation Decisions: (Defining the Desired Future Condition) ERMA = Extensive Recreation Management Area (Not managed for Beneficial Outcomes) SRMA = Special Recreation Management Area (Managed for Beneficial Outcomes)

21 “For each SRMA selected, determine whether that primary market-based strategy will be to manage for a destination recreation-tourism market, a community recreation-tourism market, or an undeveloped recreation-tourism market, and state that determination in the land use plan.” (Appendix C of the Land Use Planning Handbook) Destination market strategy = manage for people who come from outside the local community Community market strategy = manage for people who come from inside the local community Undeveloped market strategy = manage for people who come from inside and outside the local community who are looking for “undeveloped” BLM lands (the frontier/unstructured opportunities) (recreation will be the primary allocation for use ) Special Recreation Management Area Decision #1

22 Destination strategy: - National visitors staying in local resort communities - regional visitors from north central Colorado

23 “For each SRMA identified, delineate discrete recreation management zone (RMZ) boundaries..” (Appendix C of the Land Use Planning Handbook) Destination visitors: (trail riders from outside local community) Are they all looking for the same opportunities? RMZs delineate specific management for different segments within the larger SRMA market Example: Are they all there for the same reason? Decision #2 Special Recreation Management Area (Cont.)


25 2. Identify targeted activities for each RMZ 3. Identify the outcomes to be attained within each RMZ Why are they engaged in recreation in the zone? RMZ Decisions: 1.Identify the market segment of larger SRMA market Who are they? What are they doing? Are they compatible? Are the activities compatible? BLM can not be everything to everyone, everywhere. (We must be selective!) Special Recreation Management Area (Cont.) What types of experiences will be managed for and what personal, social, economic, and environmental benefits will result from the experiences?

26 4. Prescribe the recreation setting character required to achieve zone objectives Special Recreation Management Area (Cont.) Outcomes (experiences and benefits) are connected to setting character! Changes in setting character can result in loss or change in outcomes!

27 Blank Natural Resource Recreation Settings Matrix on overhead

28 5. Describe the framework necessary to implement zone objectives (Cont.) -other recreation service providers (USFS, CDOW, Counties/Cities, Chambers of Commerce, commercial recreation service providers, etc.) Cooperative agreements with partners Additional planning needs (Implementation/Activity Plans) -(trail plans, permit plans, interpretation plans, etc) Formation of public groups necessary for implementation -Friends groups, adopt-a-trail groups, other ongoing working groups BLM is not a sole source provider! (Who do we need to partner with to be successful?) Special Recreation Management Area

29 Zone summary on overhead

30 ERMA (everything that is not in an SRMA) ERMA Objectives will include: * resource protection * public health & safety * recreation user conflicts Recreation is not the primary management emphasis Recreation activities can take place as long as they consistent with other resource allocations and decisions Not managed to protect recreation settings and outcomes

31 15 Minute Break

32 Resource Management Plan Comprehensive Trail & Travel Management Appendix C Decisions

33 Comprehensive Travel Management Planning Guidance Instruction Memorandum 2008-014 -“A key aspect of this IM is to facilitate all resource programs to work in an interdisciplinary manner in planning, determination, and management of a transportation network …” Comprehensive Travel Management! -“The process also requires recognition and designation of non-motorized trails or routes.” Plan for all modes of travel, not just motorized!

34 “Delineate travel management areas and designate off-highway vehicle management areas.” (Appendix C of the Land Use Planning Handbook) Decision #1 Delineating Travel Areas: Comprehensive Travel Planning Should Include all Resource Uses: -Consistency with other resource programs -Primary travelers -Objectives for allowing travel -Setting to be maintained Factors to Consider: Comprehensive Travel Management (Cont.)

35 Comprehensive Travel Management (Cont.) Designating Travel Areas: All BLM Lands must be classified for motorized travel: Open Closed Limited Consider: All Modes of Travel (foot, equestrian, bicycle, motorized, etc.) Limited to Existing or Designated Routes Time or Season of Use Types of Motorized Use Administrative Use (BLM, permittees, commercial activities, etc.) Changing Area Designations requires an amendment to RMP!

36 “Complete a defined travel management network (system of areas, roads and/or trails) during the development of the land use plan, to the extent practical” (Appendix C of the Land Use Planning Handbook) Decision #2 Comprehensive Travel Management (Cont.) Products Required: 1.A map showing all area and route decisions 2.Definitions and additional limitations for specific routes 3.Criteria to select or reject specific routes, add new routes, or to specify limitations 4.Guidelines for management and monitoring 5.Indicators for future actions related to the travel network 6.Needed easements and rights of ways to maintain system and provide public access Changing Route Designations does not require an amendment to RMP!

37 Resource Management Plan Other Planning Responsibilities for Recreation Planners Appendix C Decisions Visual Resource Management “Designate VRM management classes for all areas of BLM land, based on an inventory of visual resources and management considerations for other land uses.” (BLM Handbook H-8341-1) Wilderness Characteristics “Identify decisions to protect or preserve wilderness characteristics (naturalness, outstanding opportunities for solitude, and outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation.” Cave and Karst Resources “Identify significant caves as manadated by the Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988.” (43 CFR 37.11) Special Designations -Wild and Scenic Rivers (BLM Manual 8351) -Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (BLM Manual 1613) -Scenic or Back Country Byways (BLM Handbook 8357-1) -National Recreation Trails

38 Downstream!

39 Supply = What Settings Do You Manage? & Who Else Supplies Recreation in In Your Area? Demand = Who Are Your Customers? & What Opportunities Are They Looking For?

40 Map your existing setting character

41 Physical Setting map on overhead

42 1.Government Agencies (local, state, national) 2.Tourism Boards & Chambers of Commerce 3.Related Commercial Businesses

43 Who are these people? Where are they coming from? Where are they recreating? Why are they recreating there?

44 Collect Data: Visitor Surveys Focus Groups Traffic Counters Special Recreation Permit (SRP) data Recreation Use Permit (RUP) data Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) County and state tourism entities/data USFS NPS Clubs, organizations, shops Visitor Contacts Informal Interview

45 Competency 3. Planning, Monitoring, Implementation, and Assessment

46 Planning competencies on overhead

47 Check the Notebook Appendix 5

48 3. the student will be able to list the required planning decisions for Recreation and Travel Management found in appendix C of BLM’s Land Use Planning Handbook. Based on the information presented: 1.the student will be able to identify the different levels of plans and describe how the different plans are connected. 2. the student will be able to identify BLM’s 7 bureau-wide objectives for Recreation and Visitor Services and explain the importance of planning in achieving the objectives. 4. the student will be able to list other resource planning responsibilities often assigned to outdoor recreation planners.

49 A lack of planning on your part does not constitute a crisis on my part!

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