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Multimedia Module. Multimedia Introduction Working with Bibliographic Multimedia Files Records in your database can be linked to multimedia files via.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Module. Multimedia Introduction Working with Bibliographic Multimedia Files Records in your database can be linked to multimedia files via."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Module

2 Multimedia Introduction Working with Bibliographic Multimedia Files Records in your database can be linked to multimedia files via the 856 multimedia tag. Multimedia files may contain images, video clips, sound recordings and other. They may reside on a local hard drive, a remote server, the Internet. The link to a multimedia file is made via the 856 tag in the MARC bibliographic record. If your library so chooses, these links appear as hyperlinks on the Full, Items and Holdings tabs of the View Record window.

3 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File I. There can be many ways to assign file name for multimedia to link with Bibliographic Record in VIRTUA A. To use BIB – ID as a file name for multimedia files. If it is scan Contents or Book Covers. B. To use coding of Journal Name, Volume, No. and Content No. as a file name for multimedia files

4 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File Method A  BIB –ID Ex. vlts000072563  Cut 1 – 6 from BIB-ID as follow as : Ex. 0072563

5 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File Method B  Journal Name, Volume, No. (or) Month, Content No. Ex.Journal Name = XX (01 = Internat Magazine) Volume= XX (62 = Volume) No. (or) Month= XX (08 = August) Content No.= XX (09 = Content No.)

6 CodeJournal Name Volu me No. (or) Month Conte nt No. 01Internat Magazine 620809 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File Method B Ex. 01620809 = 01620809.pdf

7 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File II. File Directoty Structure Main Directory imag es

8 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File II. File Directoty Structure Main Directory Group of Multimedia File imag es CONTE NT ABSTR ACT VDO MOVIE

9 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File II. File Directoty Structure imag es C007256 3.pdf C007256 4.pdf C007256 5.pdf CONTE NT ABSTR ACT VDO MOVIE Main Directory Group of Multimedia File Multimedia File

10 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File III. Catalog Multimedia Tags(856) in Marc Bib Record

11 Linking Bibliographic Record & Multimedia File Tag 856 \u /cgi-bin /getdoc?cover.j pg \n Cover

12 Questions & Answers

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