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Ants: Argies vs Pogos Native Harvesters Ants at CCMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Ants: Argies vs Pogos Native Harvesters Ants at CCMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ants: Argies vs Pogos Native Harvesters Ants at CCMS

2 Biodiversity The number of different species that live in a habitat. High = Good Low = Bad

3 The Value of Increased Biodiversity 1.Healthy Ecosystem - fight off disease - natural disasters 2. Protect Resources -clean water -clean air 3. Food and Medicine -new food and medicine -economy for people

4 Native Species locally adapted to their environment. They are connected to the other native species here and are dependent on each other for survival, shelter and food. Native species increase biodiversity

5 Non-Native Species They come from another habitat. Invasives -grow out of control Use up space No natural enemies They prevent native species from growing Non-native species decrease biodiversity.

6 Harvester Ants and Horned Lizards Seed-harvesting ants can influence the abundance and distribution of plant species through both the selective harvesting of seeds and the construction of nutrient-rich nest mounds

7 Argentine ant and Harvesters

8 X

9 Argies and horned lizards

10 X

11 Culver City Middle School CCMS has harvesters But only in one location Collect data as research scientists

12 What to study? Location 1 With Harvester Ants Location 2 No Harvester Ants

13 Harvester Ant Data Butterfly Garden Ground Temp Number of plants Soil pH Light and Moisture Grassy Area Ground Temp Number of plants Soil pH Light and Moisture

14 Today Danger – ants bite and sting Fill out sheet Answer questions Compile data as a class

15 Harvester Ant Data Combine the data What did we find? Butterfly GardenGrassy Area

16 Future Work What can we recommend to try and get harvester ants to persist at CCMS? Monitor them and argies Not get rid of habitat Make more habitat Prevent argeis from coming in Make a sign so others are aware

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