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Life Science: First Five. Ch. Review p.47 #1-10 Life Science: HOMEWORK.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Science: First Five. Ch. Review p.47 #1-10 Life Science: HOMEWORK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Science: First Five

2 Ch. Review p.47 #1-10 Life Science: HOMEWORK

3 1. What items contained protein? 2. How did you determine this? Lab Conclusions

4 Notes Chapter 3: Living Things

5 It’s Alive If It… 1.Has a life span 2.Can reproduce 3.Can grow

6 It’s Alive If It… 4.Is made of cells 5.Requires energy 6.Responds

7 Thinking Critically p. 35 Life Science: Activity

8 Draw a Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Exp. Book) Life Science: Activity




12 Cell Theory 1. All cells come from preexisting cells.

13 Cell Theory 2. All living things are made of cells and of the products of cells.

14 Cell Theory 3. The functions of living things are performed by the cells they are made of.


16 Cellular Functions 1.Uses Energy 2.Manufacture Materials 3.Respond to Environment 4.Reproduce Themselves


18 Quiz 3A/3B Chapter 3: Living Things

19 3A/3B QUIZ 1. What are the smallest living structures that make up all living things?

20 3A/3B QUIZ 2. Which English scientist first used the word “cell” to describe what he saw through a magnifying lens?

21 3A/3B QUIZ 3. TRUE or FALSE? Tiny organisms made of only one cell are called tissue.

22 3A/3B QUIZ 4. A robot may show signs of having a physical life, but it will always lack a _______ life.

23 3A/3B QUIZ 5. What are the characteristics of living things?

24 3A/3B QUIZ 6. List the four basic cellular functions discussed in class and in the textbook.


26 Molecules and Life Carbohydrates Sugars and starches

27 Molecules and Life Proteins Meat, beans Made up of Amino acids

28 Molecules and Life Nucleic Acids DNA, RNA Give instructions to make proteins

29 Molecules and Life Lipids Fats Membranes


31 ENZYMES Proteins Catalysts! READ p. 45-46 “Amazing Action of Enzymes”

32 Study Guide Past Homework Notes (In Class/PPT) Handouts Explorer Book Textbook (Read entire chapter carefully) What do I study???

33 How you do anything is how you do everything. Class Quote…

34 If a class rule is broken: 1 st Time – Warning 2 nd – Stay After Class, Lose Participation Pt 3 rd – Stay After; 5 Sentence HW 4 th – Stand Outside; Stay After; Discipline Notice Sent Home Life Science: Discipline Plan

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