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Please take any seat, you will receive an assigned seat once we begin class.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take any seat, you will receive an assigned seat once we begin class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take any seat, you will receive an assigned seat once we begin class

2 Mrs. Talmage Algebra 1 2013-2014 Room 44

3 About Mrs. Talmage Before I was a teacher I: Graduated from UC San Diego Worked at SeaWorld as an Educator for 3 years Coached Competitive Gymnastics for 13 years

4 About Mrs. Talmage Before RVMS I taught at: Kenilworth Middle School Casa Grande High School Petaluma High School My doggie, Bug, who is a Papillon (Butterfly!)

5 My Expectations 0 Students should come prepared to work hard each day! 0 Bring required materials to class each day 0 Be in your seat, with supplies, ready to begin! 0 Work until instructed to clean up 0 Be prepared to talk to me before or after class about personal business including: absent/makeup work, borrowing supplies, late homework passes, ticket rewards, gradebook inquiries, and other questions

6 My Expectations 0 Students must be respectful to themselves, their peers, my classroom and myself 0 During direct instruction, there is ONE person talking at a time 0 During direct instruction if you are not talking you are ACTIVELY listening 0 Each student is entitled to their right to learn, and any disruptive behavior that interferes with that will not be tolerated

7 My Expectations 0 Students should be willing to listen, assist, and engage with their peers 0 We will work in groups or partners a majority of our class time 0 Sometimes you will get to assist in choosing your seat/group (many times you can earn this), sometimes you will not 0 Each student in this class has unique and valuable talents and skill sets to contribute to this subject 0 See Study Team Guidelines Poster

8 Grades: CategoriesWeights Individual Tests, Quizzes, and Projects 50% Homework and Classwork 40% Collaborative Tests and Projects 10% A94-100% A-90-93% B+88-89% B84-87% B-80-83% C+78-79% C74-77% C-70-73%

9 Algebra 1 Requirement: 0 To remain in this class you must maintain a B- or above grade 0 If you drop below this, you will be put on Academic Probation 0 If you remain on Academic Probation for longer than one quarter you will be moved out of the class

10 Daily Required Materials 0 Pencils (many, all sharpened or mechanical) 0 Pen (no red ink) 0 Binder (contains: toolkit, graph paper, new work and current handouts) 0 Graph Paper ($1 for 50 sheets at the student store) 0 Scientific Calculator (recommended TI-30; NO graphing calculators) 0 Protractor 0 Highlighters 0 Colored Pencils 0 Composition Notebook with graph paper (for toolkit notes and warm-ups) 0 Planner

11 Homework and Corrections 0 Expect homework to be assigned EACH day in class 0 If we do not finish work in class, it becomes homework 0 Graded on a rotational schedule for neatness, accuracy, completion, and effort (check, plus, no mark) 0 Most assignments are worth 5 points 0 Graph paper is required for all assignments 0 Only neat work done IN PENCIL is accepted 0 Homework is corrected the day it is due and then turned in for grading/credit

12 Make-Up Work 0 Students are allowed one make-up day for each excused absence 0 Students are responsible for obtaining any missed assignments through any of the following sources: 0 Calling a study buddy, checking the homework hotline, reading the class assignment calendar 0 Late work is not accepted***

13 Toolkit Notes 0 Must be with you each day in class 0 Will be a study resource before tests and during team tests 0 Are considered classwork that go with homework

14 Team Tests 0 Team tests are usually given just before the individual test 0 Worth 10% of overall grade 0 Taken in teams of 4 0 Gives students a preview of what the test will look like and an opportunity to review Unit material with peers 0 Use as a practice test to study!

15 Individual Tests 0 There will be a test at the end of each unit 0 Tests and quizzes make up 50% of overall grade 0 Test resources

16 Extra Help: Where can you go? 0 Homework club: Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool from 3:10-4:10pm (you must be on time!) 0 SSRW 0 Afterschool help from Mrs. Talmage 0 Call a study buddy!

17 Algebra 1 Guidelines and Expectations paper is due on Monday 8/19 with a parent or guardian signature

18 Textbook and Team Work 0 CPM Textbook (no instruction, Math Notes, Core Problems, Review/Preview) 0 Open to table of contents: Curriculum Overview 0 Study Team Guidelines (working in teams most days)

19 Classroom Tour 0 Agenda and Assignment Board 0 Homework folders (Period # on crate) 0 Student Station 0 Grades 0 Makeup Work Station (Calendar, handouts, turn-in)

20 Enough talking, let’s begin!

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