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Getronics Government Solutions National Aeronautics and Space Administration Turning Goals Into Reality 2001 Conference Technology Commercialization Do.

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Presentation on theme: "Getronics Government Solutions National Aeronautics and Space Administration Turning Goals Into Reality 2001 Conference Technology Commercialization Do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getronics Government Solutions National Aeronautics and Space Administration Turning Goals Into Reality 2001 Conference Technology Commercialization Do Law & Science Make Strange Bedfellows? James C. Fontana VP Corporate Development & Law May 16, 2001

2 2 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Statutes Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 --Requires agencies to transfer technology to state and local governments. Space Act of 1958/Bayh-Dole Act of 1980/Reagan Memo of 1983 -- Promotes vesting of rights of government funded technology with the private sector to encourage private investment in commercialization; waivers of patent rights. Patents In Space Act of 1990 – Applies US patent law to space to protect space-based intellectual property development. Freedom of Information Act – Facilitates public access to certain government-generated or possessed information, with exemptions. Others – Trademark Clarification Act; Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act; NIST Authorization Act; Space Science Acquisition Law.

3 3 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Implementing Regulations Patent Waiver Regulations – Process, procedures and requirements for NASA waiver of patent rights. FAR Data Rights Clause/NASA FAR Supplement – Same for granting permission to copyright computer software produced under contract. Space Act Regulations – establishes uniform administrative requirements for NASA cooperative agreements.

4 4 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Agreements Space Act Agreement Clause Governing IP and Data Rights – agreement that includes transfer, use and public availability of technology and IP. Cooperative R&D Agreement (CRADA)– Similar purpose but limited to federal labs. Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) & MOUs – IP provisions establish among International Space Station partners IP ownership rights and exchange/protection of data; R&D in any module deemed to occur in country that owns the module

5 5 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Particular Legal Problems Perception that NASA waiver provisions onerous; more active in applying “march-in” rights. NASA rules cover discoveries made after contract end; item need not be patentable. IP waivers/copyrights restricted with regard to internal use items; firms must commercialize in reasonable time. Gov’t retention of rights may inhibit investment. Primes may require subs to relinquish IP rights despite mandatory flow-down clause. IGA acknowledges that IP developed in foreign partner’s module will fall under that partner’s laws;SAA only applies to U.S. module; IGA enforcement issues, esp. with Russia.

6 6 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Items to Consider Relax NASA restrictions and harmonize with non-NASA commercialization process. Consider indirect commercialization through internal use of IP. NASA is better educating the public; business should better educate NASA. More international agreements/treaties to better protect IP rights in space.

7 7 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Additional Information/Citations Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 – 15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq. Space Act of 1958/Bayh-Dole Act of 1980/Reagan Memo of 1983 – 42 U.S.C. 2451 et seq.; 35 U.S.C. 200 et seq. Patents In Space Act of 1990 – 35 U.S.C. 105. Freedom of Information Act -- 5 U.S.C. 552 Data Rights Regs -- FAR Subpart 27.3; 52.227/NASA FAR Supp. 1852.227-14. IP Waiver Regs – 14 C.F.R. Part 1245 Cooperative Agreement Regs – 14 C.F.R. Part 1274

8 8 Getronics Government Solutions GETRONICS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Useful Web Sites NASA Office of General Counsel-- NASA Space Act Manual -- Procurement Regulations -- ISS/IP Legal Issues -- DOD Paper on Commercial IP Rights --

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