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Breakout session feedback: « legal session » Moderator:LtCol. Kris Bernauw Session Secretary:Capt. Tonny Pedersen “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Breakout session feedback: « legal session » Moderator:LtCol. Kris Bernauw Session Secretary:Capt. Tonny Pedersen “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakout session feedback: « legal session » Moderator:LtCol. Kris Bernauw Session Secretary:Capt. Tonny Pedersen “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

2 Current Situation Conceptual –Employer support Employment protection –Focus on employer support legislation Risks –Competition distortion –Reservist system becoming more expensive than equivalent regular forces

3 Lessons learned Lesson learned 1: Don’t use legislation only –Legislation must be the basis for the system –Supplemented by self-regulation / code of conduct / collective and partnership agreements / MoUs –Legislation only last resort of actions –Long and onerous process (politics, labour organisations, MoD’s, etc.) “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

4 Findings Different solutions to different situations –Compulsory voluntary mobilisation –SME large enterprise employer –Officers/NCO/privates –Type of reserve –National differences : in mobilisation conditions cultural => Difficult international harmonization => Difficulty in best practise qualification

5 Lessons learned Lesson learned 2: Inventory of tools –Financial compensation –Tax benefits –Public contract and tender priority –Minimum advance notice –Maximum duration of tour of duty –Minimum separation between tours of duty –Selection of least disturbing period –Employer recognition –Civilian certification/assimilation of military experience/education –Insurance covering loss of key company personnel “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

6 Best practices Best practice 1: –Reciprocal dissemination / information /education of employer and armed forces Best practice 2: –Institutional strengthening Permanent communication / mediation / consultation forum or body “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

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