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 There have been numerous interventions by the USA into Latin American countries during the 19 th century  We will examine a few: 1850- 1990- Nicaragua.

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2  There have been numerous interventions by the USA into Latin American countries during the 19 th century  We will examine a few: 1850- 1990- Nicaragua 1954 Guatemala 1974- Chile 1979-1984- Grenada 1989- Panama

3 Policy Background 1947- Truman Doctrine (help anyone fighting communists) 1947- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (all for one/one for all) 1948- Pan-American Conference (democracy, trade and peaceful relations)

4 Nicaragua

5  Since 1850 USA has a presence in Nicaraguan affairs  1936 Anastasio Somoza becomes a dictator supported with USA $$  He is a brutal ruler but loyal to the USA.  Somoza assists in the 1954 coup in Guatemala.  Killed in 1956, his son, Somoza Debayle takes control  He is finally overthrown in 1979, and for the first time in history Nicaragua is free

6 Contra War  The new government receives international recognition for gains in literacy, health care, education, childcare, unions, and land reform.  There are some rebels loyal to the Samoza regime  These “Contras” would have no power, except that they are funded by the USA  This war lasts more than 10 years, more than 60,000 die and the country is left in ruins

7  The war was unpopular in the USA despite a wide-spread propaganda campaign  By 1984 it was illegal for the government to fund the contras.  Funding continued illegally: NSC establishes “The Enterprise” Secret organization funnels $ from illegal arms sales in Iran & drug trafficking  Even when this is discovered in the USA there is virtually no punishment

8 Guatemala 1954

9 1952- President Jacobo Arbenz redistributed unused land to peasants. This took profits from the United Fruit Company (UFC) an American MNC The CIA, convinced that Guzman was a Soviet puppet contrived to overthrow his leadership in 1954. Subsequently no evidence was found. In fact Guzman had operated well within Guatemalan law. Led to a 30 year Guatemalan civil war (1960- 1996)

10 Jacobo Arbenz Guzman

11 Chile 1973

12 1970- Salvador Allende is elected president of Chile’ The Americans are worried about his potential socialist leanings and friendship with Castro Over the next couple years there were various uprisings supported by the CIA but Allende retained power Supported by the CIA General Augusto Pinochet seizes power on Sept. 11, 1973 Under his rule between 1200-3000 people were killed, 80,000 imprisoned and 30,000 tortured

13 Pinochet

14 Grenada 1983

15  March 1979- Maurice Bishop leads a successful communist revolution in Grenada  Bishop was killed in another coup attempt in October of 1983.  Due to the political instability the USA invaded on October 25, 1983  The invasion was criticized by not only other Latin-American countries but by Canada and the UK

16 Panama

17 Panama Canal USA had a questionable agreement to control the canal from 1903-1977. Then joint control until 1999 This led to large-scale resentment of American influence in the country Jan. 9, 1964- Martyrs Day – Resentment explodes into protest then riots – More than 25 die and 500 injured in 3 days of fighting One of the main factors in the 1977 Torrijos- Carter treaty

18 Manuel Noriega

19  Drug-lord supported by the CIA through the 1960s & 70s  Maneuvered himself into power of Panama by 1983  Paid by the USA in the 1980s and allowed them to keep power in the canal  To keep power Noriega manipulated elections, killed opponents and ran an underground drug-based economy

20 As opposition grew his methods became more brutal In 1989 after a blatantly false election tensions were at an all-time high The USA was forced to condemn Noriega, which resulted in an invasion. On Dec. 20 the USA invaded Panama (with 92% of Panamanians approving) He surrendered on Jan. 9 1990 and has been in American, French and now Panamanian prison ever since.

21 Who is this?

22 Assignment  Research the life of Che Guevara and answer one of the following in a paragraph: 1. What were his core economic & political beliefs? How were they opposed to the USA’s actions in Latin America? 2. What roles did he play in the Cuban revolution, Bay of Pigs, and missile crisis?

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