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Agenda ◦ Communication ◦ Class Procedures ◦ Curriculum ◦ Assessment ◦ Standards Based Grading ◦ Cultures of Thinking ◦ On-Track Time ◦ Behavior Expectations ◦ Olweus ◦ Food ◦ Parent Involvement ◦ Questions
Communication ◦ E-mail: ◦ Assignment log ◦ Phone: 248-689-5460 ext.2311 ◦ Class Website on Blanche Sims page ◦
Class Procedures Classwork ◦ Expectation is all work will done in class. Some assignments not finished may be sent home for homework. ◦ Sometimes individual or group work is given. Ticket System ◦ Students receive a ticket every morning if clip was not moved the day before. ◦ Students can “cash in” tickets at any time. Homework ◦ Log signed and checked daily. Students receive a sticker. ◦ Reading every night. Students are welcome to check out books from class library. ◦ Math Homework: usually given Monday and Wednesday. USE THINK CENTRAL ◦ Sometimes Writing, S.S., and Science. ◦ All work will be turned in by due date.
Language Arts Curriculum Reading Workshop approach Students read at their independent level and are taught how to choose books. Teacher confers with students to meet needs. Word Study : Words their Way with a focus on study of words and their patterns. Students are grouped into developmental levels based on word study inventories. Not all students will have the same words. Students are introduced to a new group of words with a specific feature focus. Students sort words, complete word hunts, play games, and keep a word study notebook. Students assessed using various measures not just weekly spelling tests.
Language Arts conti. Writing Workshop approach (L ucy Calk ins) ◦ Connection, teaching, active engagement, link, practice, and share ◦ Daily Narrative, Essay, Informational, Opinion, and Research writing.
Science and Social Studies Science: taught by Mrs. Shuler Light Matter Measurement Force and Motion Animal Adaptations Plants Social Studies: Meet MI Focus on development of our state, history, government, economy, geography, people who have impacted MI. Field trips to Lansing in January and Moosetree in November.
Math (Houghton Mifflin Expressions) Elements of instruction that are embedded in each lesson of Math Expressions include: ◦ Building Concepts strengthens mathematical ideas and understand through objects, drawings, conceptual language, and real-world situations ◦ Math Talk encourages students to share their methods orally and through proof drawings ◦ Quick Practice allows for whole-class responses or individual partner practice ◦ Every lesson includes intervention, on-level, and challenge differentiation to support students’ needs ◦
Math (Houghton Mifflin Expressions) Unit 1 ◦ Multiplication/Division 5, 2, 9, 10, 3, 4, 1, 0 (equal groups, arrays, word problems) Unit 2 ◦ Multiplication/Division 6, 8, 7 and multiples of 10 Unit 3 ◦ Measurement, Time, and Graphs Unit 4 ◦ Multi-digit addition/subtraction, Place value, and Rounding Unit 5 ◦ Write equations to solve word problems (2-step) Unit 6 ◦ Polygons, Perimeter, Area Unit 7 ◦ Exploring Fractions (number line, equivalent, comparing)
Technology Technology is used daily for all subjects as needed. Some technology is project based and will be used during Media instruction.
Intervention (I-Time) ◦ Students participate in I-Time M,W, and F. ◦ Grouped based upon needs. Data is collected to determine groups. ◦ Progress monitoring is given every two weeks. ◦ Students may work on strengths (enrichment) or areas for additional practice.
Assessments Reading : anecdotal notes, observation, comprehension work, response to reading Writing : progressive rubric Math : pre and post testing and some daily work Science/S.S. : end of unit tests, projects, class work Word Study : word sorts, tests, activities All assessments receive a 1, 2, 3, or 4. * 4 is end of the year expectation
Standards Based Grading ◦ Standards Based Grading works in a way that provides a learning continuum. As teachers plan for lessons, they use units of study that align to these standards and determine what assignments and assessments students will do along the way. ◦ Once completed, teachers then look at those assignments and assessments and determine student progress toward the standards. ◦ The descriptions of the 1, 2, 3, 4 level work for final grading purposes can be found in the gradebook reporting criteria for each content area. It is through the gradebook reporting criteria that we support common expectations for student performance across our entire district.
Cultures of Thinking... ◦ are places in which a group’s collective, as well as individual, thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted as part of the regular, day-to- day experience of all group members.
A Culture of Thinking Why is it important? ◦ Real, deep, and lasting learning is a product of thinking. Students’ thinking needs ongoing support & encouragement. ◦ Habits of mind and dispositions toward thinking and understanding cannot be taught, they must be enculturated over time. ◦ Learning is a social endeavor and unfolds within that context. ◦ Instructional methods and curriculum aren’t enough to develop understanding. It needs the ongoing support of the environment.
On-Track Time ◦ On - Track work is anything that is expected to be turned in. ◦ Students earn extra recess on Friday when they are “On- Track” for the week. ◦ Students not On-Track stay with another teacher to complete work and receive additional help if needed. (or students owe minutes) ◦ If students are consistently off track and struggling, support is given but unfinished class work may be given for homework over the weekend with an attached “Off Track” slip that needs to be signed by the parent.
Behavior Expectations ◦ We have spent time discussing our rules and the children know that they are responsible for their actions. I will encourage them to make good choices every day and help others as well. What is the heart of it? ◦ Students knowing specifically what to do. ◦ Students are self-monitoring themselves. ◦ Classroom teachers at the forefront of the behavior intervention system. (through lessons and class meetings) What does it include? ◦ Behavior lessons ◦ Class meeting structure ◦ Kind Reminder process for problem solving ◦ The 4 Steps process when learning is interrupted ◦ A system to reteach behaviors to students who need it
Olweus Program Goals ◦ The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed to improve peer relations and make schools safer, more positive places for students to learn and develop. Goals of the program include: ◦ Reducing existing bullying problems among students. ◦ Preventing the development of new bullying problems. ◦ Achieving better peer relations at school. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power. Most often, it is repeated over time.
Food Peanut-Alert School ◦ Breakfast is an option before school. ◦ Lunch: 11:55-12:40 Cost: $2.60 (Can pay by check or on-line) ◦ Snack: daily, nutritious please ◦ Birthday Treats: not necessary but must be sent in individually wrapped
Ways to help your child Check log and green folder daily. Help pack backpack and snack. Utilize Blanche Sims Media page for resources. Be a Mystery Reader! Come to celebrations and Blanche Sims events. You are always welcome! Do not hesitate to contact me. Together we can and will have a successful year!
Parent Involvement ◦ Daily at home : nightly reading and homework, signing log, checking website, etc. ◦ Volunteers : please make arrangements with me. Some prefer working with kids and others prefer “paper” work. ◦ Room parent to organize class celebrations: Halloween, Holiday, and Valentines day. ◦ P.T.O. : a fantastic organization that supports our school.
QUESTIONS? Thank you for coming!
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