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Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading - Warming Up Unit 1 School life.

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1 Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading - Warming Up Unit 1 School life

2 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 自学导引 新知初探 ► Step One : Words and Phrases Ⅰ. 词汇知识 1.__________ (adj.) 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 2.__________ (n.& v t.) 经历,体验 3.________ (adj.) 一般的,普通的;平均的 4._______ (n.& v i.) 难事;斗争;奋斗;努力 5.literature (n.) ____ enjoyable experience average struggle 文学

3 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 6.challenging (adj.) _____________ 7.encouragement (n.) _____ (n. & v t.) ____________ 具有挑战性的 鼓励 交换;交流

4 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life Ⅱ. 重点短语 1._____ respect 赢得尊重 献身于 …… ,致力于 …… 3.___ free 免费 _____of 喜欢,喜爱 5.look _____(on) 回忆,回顾 6.with __________ 满意地,知足地 earn devote for fond back satisfaction

5 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life ►Step Two : Fast Reading Scan the text and then choose the best answers according to the text. 1.What is the main idea of the passage?_________ A . Her English improved a lot as she used English every day. 答案: C

6 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life B . School life in the UK is busy and bitter. C . She had a wonderful experience in a British school. D . She made a lot of good friends in the school.

7 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 2.Which of the following words can best describe the writer’s school life in the UK?________ A . Interesting. B . Quite easy. C . Fruitful. D . Boring. 答案: C

8 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 3.She felt lucky because__________ . A . she could get up an hour later than usual B . the headmaster told them to earn respect by working hard and achieving high grades C . she had been given a golden opportunity to study in Britain and met helpful and friendly teachers and students D . she improved her English 答案: C

9 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 4.The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to_________ . A . tell us that she doesn’t like school life in Britain B . excite more students to study abroad C . improve her English D . introduce her exciting and happy life in Britain 答案: D

10 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life ► Step Three : Careful Reading ( Ⅰ.)Read the text and answer the following questions. 1.According to the headmaster , what should the students spend much time on? 答案: They should devote themselves to study.

11 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 2.Why was it a struggle for Wei Hua to remember the names of her classmates? 答案: Because there were different students in some classes. 3.Why did Wei Hua find her homework difficult at first? 答案: Because all the homework was in English.

12 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 4.Who gave Wei Hua a lot of support in her studies? 答案: The teachers.They gave her much encouragement. 5.How did Wei Hua manage to improve her English? 答案: She used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.

13 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life ( Ⅱ.)Read the text again and fill in the blanks. School life in the UK Introducti on of school life Details( 细节 ) of each aspect The writer ’ s opinion School hours British school begins around 9 a . m.and 1._____ about 3 ∶ 30 p . m.. She could get up an hour later than usual in China. Assembly The 2.____________ _ told students about the rules of the school and said that the best way to win 3._________ was to work hard and achieve high grades. This sounded like her school in China. ends headmaster respect

14 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life Introd uction of school life Details( 细节 ) of each aspect The writer ’ s opinion Class The 4._________ size of each class is about 28 students. She felt it difficult to remember all the faces and names. Students have to move to 5.__________ classrooms for different classes. In some classes , students are not fixed. Subject s Students have to study Maths , English and Science , but can 6.______ studying some subjects if they don ’ t like them. She 7.________ all her subjects : English , History , English Literature , Computer Science , Maths , Science , PE , Art , 8._________ and French. Food British people like eating 9.________ at the end of their main meal. different from Chinese food , and she 10._________ Chinese food a lot at lunch. average different stop enjoyed Cooking dessertmissed

15 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life ►Step Four : Summary I was very happy with the school hours in Britain.On the first day , all students went to 1._______ an assembly.During the assembly , the headmaster told us that the best way to earn 2.______ from the school was to work hard and 3._______ high grades.In our class there were 28 students.This is about the attend respect achieve

16 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 4._______ size for British schools.I found the homework was not heavy , but it was a bit 5.__________ for me at first because all the homework was in English.My English improved a lot as I used English every day and I also had an 6._____ French class on Tuesday evenings.British food is very average challenging extra

17 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life different.They eat lots of 7._______ after their main meal.I was very lucky to 8.__________ this different way of life. dessert experience

18 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life ►Step Five : Discussion Nowadays , more and more young students are going abroad to study.What effects ( 影响 ) will the new school life have on them? 答案: Advantages : 1.Widen their view. 2.Improve their English. 3.Learn to be independent and cooperate with others.

19 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 4.Learn about foreign customs and culture. 5.Let the foreigners learn about China and attract them to invest in China. 6.Learn advanced technology.

20 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life Disadvantages : 1.Cost a lot of money and cause a heavy burden to their parents. 2.Feel homesick. 3.Form bad habits. 4.Stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back.

21 自学导引 新知初探 Unit 1 School life 本部分内容讲解结束 按 ESC 键退出全屏播放

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