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Sign Of the Beaver By : Elizabeth George Speare. Chapter 1 and 2 Matt’s parents and little sister left, matt got use to living alone. Then this guy named.

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1 Sign Of the Beaver By : Elizabeth George Speare

2 Chapter 1 and 2 Matt’s parents and little sister left, matt got use to living alone. Then this guy named Ben came and stayed with him. After Matt fell asleep Ben stole the riffle Matt’s father left him. Now that the riffle was gone Matt could only fish to get food. Then one day Matt remembered him and his father found a bee hive, so Matt decided to go find it. When he found it he tried to get some honey but then the bees came out and stung him so he jumped in the river and they went away.

3 Chapter 3 and 4 When Matt was walking through the woods he met an Indian chief. He asked Matt if he could teach his grandson how to speak English and then he will teach him how to hunt without a gun. As Matt was teaching Attean how to speak English he started to catch on and be able to speak more English. One day Attean took Matt to a shallow part of the river to show him how to catch a fish with a fish hook.

4 Chapter 5 and 6 Attean brought his dog to Matt’s cabin one day when he was going to learn more English. The dog didn’t have a name but when Matt tried to pet it the dog would growl at him. After that Attean showed Matt how to make a bow and arrow using wood. Then he showed Matt how to use it.

5 Chapter 7 and 8 One day when Attean and Matt was walking through the woods they saw a fox in a white mans trap but Attean said they couldn’t help it out because it wasn’t on their land. When Attean went home he told his brothers about Robinson Crusoe. The next day when Matt and Attean were walking through the woods and they saw a bear and a cub. Matt had to fight the big bear, and he killed it.

6 Chapter 10 and 11 When Attean’s grandma heard about Matt fighting of the bear so they had a big feast. Matt was invited to it. At the feast they sang and danced all day long then they ate the bear. Then after the feast they told stories and then Matt fell asleep. In the morning they had breakfast and Matt went back to his cabin.

7 Chapter 11 and 12 When Matt was walking through the woods to his cabin, he saw Attean’s dog in a metal trap so he went back to try and find Attean but he wasn’t there. Attean’s sister helped get the dog out and now Attean’s grandmother said Matt is welcome to their land now.

8 Chapter 13 and 14 Attean and his grandfather had to go north for the winter so they could hunt for big animals. Now that Matt’s parents still haven't came back Matt is staring to have doubts that they aren't coming back. Saknis asked Matt to go with them, but Matt said he wanted to stay and wait for his parents to come back.

9 Chapter 15 and 16 Attean came back to the cabin to say bye to Matt and he gave him his dog because Attean said the dog was no good for hunting, then they left with his grandfather. After awhile Matt changed his mind and wanted to go with Attean and his grandfather but they had already left. So he went back to his cabin.

10 Chapter 17 and 18 After awhile Matt got hungry so he made something too eat. Then the dog started barking at the woods, so Matt went too see what it was and it was his mom, dad, and little sister. Matt ran too greet them and then got their luggage for them. Then they all sat down and ate dinner. After dinner they talked about their trip they took.

11 Chapter 19 and 20 When Matt’s mom left with his dad and little sister she was pregnant. But when she came back she didn’t have the baby, so Matt asked why and she said she only lived for 5 days then died because it was too cold for her too survive. Then Matt told his dad about Attean and his grandfather and how he taught them English. But his dad wasn’t too happy about it. Then when Matt told him more he was kind of okay with it.

12 Chapter 21 and 22 Matt’s father said while they was on the trip they met new settlers and that they might be getting new neighbors soon. Matt was excited but he was starting to miss talking too Attean. But soon he got over that feeling.


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