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A Menu for Agriculture-Based Youth Development Liz Kenton Farm-Based Education Conference November 2011 YOUTH AGRICULTURE PROJECT Growing Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "A Menu for Agriculture-Based Youth Development Liz Kenton Farm-Based Education Conference November 2011 YOUTH AGRICULTURE PROJECT Growing Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 a Menu for Agriculture-Based Youth Development Liz Kenton Farm-Based Education Conference November 2011 YOUTH AGRICULTURE PROJECT Growing Skills

2 Presentation Outline Context: UVM  Extension  4-H PYD and experiential learning: What – So What – Now What? the Youth Agriculture Project’s history, philosophy, & programs Growing Skills Discussion and Q&A

3 UVM … Extension … 4-H

4 Experiential Learning Model

5 the Youth Agriculture Project Mission Statement Through hands-on education in sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition, the Youth Agriculture Project helps young people build the life and job skills to participate in Vermont’s local food systems.

6 Youth Hort / Ag 2001-2011 200120042008 2011 Summer Work & Learn Career Center Horticulture Growing Connections + SWL Bennington + SWL Manchester School Enrichment & Other programs Alumni program Insta- Gardens Crop Mob Pizza Garden kit Indoor Gardens School & Community Gardens Conf Growing Skills

7 Brattleboro Farm & Educational Programs

8 Diversity of gardens and programs

9 Curriculum Assembly & Development Contents Introduction 3 Welcome to Youth Agriculture 4 How to Use This Guide5 Teaching 7 Positive Youth Development8 State Learning Standards15 Curriculum Planning16 Serious Games 19 What is a Serious Game?20 Sample Serious Game21 Menu of Games22 Introductions23 Group Challenges35 Energizers and Transitions 49 Workshops55 Building Blocks 87 Field Tasks88 Youth Mentoring Youth90 Farm and Garden Visits99 Market100 Community Service110 Cooking and Sampling112 Feedback114 Community Celebration117 Growing Food 119 Field Safety120 Planning Your Garden122 Using What Your Grow126 Glossary of Growing Terms127 Planting Guide128 Harvest Calendar131 Harvest Key133 Ongoing Field Tasks134 Sources for Supplies136 Ways to Grow137 Managing 141 Securing a Space142 Recruitment143 Safety147 Schedules152 Recordkeeping155 Evaluation and Follow-Up157 Alumni160 Resources 161 Resource list162 Recipes168

10 Example pages

11 So What? – Distribution, feedback, and lessons learned Criteria for reviewers Clear and ready-to-use Multiple learning styles and abilities Age-appropriate Safety Youth empowerment and youth-adult partnerships Activities are engaging and have clear objectives 4-H life skill(s)

12 Now What? – Current Activities Winter 2011-12: Workshops; Distribution for field testing Spring 2012: Workshops; Support new sites; Ongoing revision based on feedback Summer: Field testing; Final feedback Fall: Workshops; Final revisions

13 Resources & Connections Center for Sustainable Agriculture Patricia Hannaford Career Center (Middlebury) VT Agency of Agriculture Green Mountain Farm to School Post Oil Solutions Women’s Ag / New Farmers Network 4-H Educators VT-FEED (Food Education Every Day) Vermont Community Garden Network Rutland Area Farm & Food Link The Tutorial Center YOUTH AG PROGRAMS Growing Skills Crop Mob Pizza Garden Chick to Plate Insta Garden

14 Q & A

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