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By: Luke Boha and Ellie Strube

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1 By: Luke Boha and Ellie Strube

2 Hades God of the Underworld and Hidden Wealth of Earth
Part of Big 3(brothers) Zeus, Hades & Poseidon Hades was very jealous of his brothers Very possessive about his spirits He kidnapped Persephone and made her his Queen Rarely visited the upper world, but when he did he was invisible Immortal Hades is the Greek god of the dead, wealth, and the Lord of the Underworld.

3 The Big Three Son of Cronus and Rhea
Hades and 4 of his siblings were devoured by Cronus. Zeus was the only one not eaten. Zeus caused Cronus to throw them up. When the brothers grew older, they made the Titans leave their kingdom. They drove the Titans to Tartarus . When the brothers were victorious the Earth was split into 3 parts. Zeus chose Hades position. Hades became the supreme ruler of the Underworld. One of the Big Three

4 The Underworld Souls had to pay Charon to cross the River of Styx
Lived in a Black Rock Palace Souls that had committed a sin or displeased the gods got severely punished Souls who were judged not good or bad went to the Field of Asphodel Those who didn’t displease the gods went to the Elysian Field In the Elysian Field there was a special part called the Isles of the blest where they had the option to be reborn 3 judges

5 Cerberus and The Furies
Cerberus was a 3-headed dog which guarded the gates to the Underworld. It had a snake tail. Had an appetite for live meat The Furies were hags with snaky hair, red-hot eyes, and yellow teeth Punished evil doers on Earth Persuaded people to commit suicide Referred to as the kindly ones

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