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TOOL BOX TALKS RTW and Injury Management Program.

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Presentation on theme: "TOOL BOX TALKS RTW and Injury Management Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOOL BOX TALKS RTW and Injury Management Program

2 Commitment to Prevention New WHS laws commenced January 1, 2012 which our organisation needs to implement Emphasis is on consultation with workers to identify any potential hazards and implement effective controls Hazard and Incident reporting systems available Equipment and workplace inspections and checks prior to use should be followed

3 Commitment to Early Intervention Workers Compensation System is in place to ensure that any injured worker is supported whilst they recover from their injury. Supervisors/managers, injured worker and treating doctors all need to work as partners in problem solving, decision making and planning to ensure provision of appropriate treatment including the allocation of suitable duties Australasian Faculty of Occupational Physicians has found that work is generally good for health and wellbeing Therefore communication is the key to early intervention.

4 Injury Prevention If you are unwell or injured prior to commencing work speak to your supervisor and discuss if it is suitable for you to work either normal or modified duties. If you are uncertain about how to perform a task or use equipment safely ask for training from your supervisor or a work colleague If you feel unsafe due to client behaviour or due to the demands of the tasks or the environment report the problem immediately to your supervisor

5 If an incident occurs An incident is anything unexpected which either causes an injury or has the potential for causing an injury All incidents must be reported as soon as practicable by (insert mechanism) If you are injured you must seek first aid attention – this may be applied by yourself or a first aider in the majority of cases If you require medical attention you must ring your supervisor immediately

6 Medical attention You can choose your own doctor or for convenience attend a doctor near work You should take an introductory letter to your doctor whenever possible or advise your supervisor of who you will see so they can fax a letter Advise your doctor that suitable duties are available at your workplace and can be adjusted to your injury needs Your supervisor/RTW Coordinator may attend appointment or will speak to you afterwards Obtain a WorkCover medical certificate and provide to supervisor immediately

7 Suitable Duties Your skills and knowledge are valuable and can be utilised during your recovery by: – Modifying your normal duties e.g. reducing the amount of walking or pushing or changing work posture – Modifying work hours or time spent on particular tasks – Utilising you in a support/training or ancillary role Suitable duties are short term modifications usually upgraded over time to normal duties

8 Other Entitlements Workers Compensation will also cover – medical costs, – prescription costs and – treatment costs

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