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Published byRoxanne Nicholson Modified over 9 years ago
1 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Outline ECS HV control of the ECAL/HCAL sub-detectors. Introduction Start HV system and recover after power cut Channel masking ECS HV control of the PS and SPD.
2 ECS CALO HV Control The ECS CALO HV control projects have been developed in close contact with the LHCb Online group. There are two type of the projects. One is for ECAL/HCAL and second for PS/SPD. There are six front-end PVSS HV projects: PRSHVC1, PRSHVA1 on online PCs PSDAQHVC01W and PSDAQHVA1W; ECHVC1, ECHVA1 on online PCs ECHVC01W and ECHVA1W; HCHVC1, HCHVA1 on online PCs HCDAQHVC01W and HCDAQHVA1W; Current projects allow: 1.Work within the LHCb FSM hierarchy. Now the HV are controlled from the new top level LHCb HV panel; 2. Set HV for individual PMT, group of PMTs or set HV for all detector channels with a desirable ramp time factor and perform a fast emergency HV OFF; 3.Prepare and save the HV recipes for different activities using the CALO specific database ; 4.Mask individual channels or exclude HV control board from FSM control; 5.The projects monitor following parameters : a)HV control signals, and produce the warnings in case if the set and read values are different more than 3%; b)100 V and LV power supplies status for group of PMT’s, and produce the errors if values are out of the limits; Introduction CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
3 ECS CALO HV Control ECAL/HCAL HV_LED_DAC board and PS/SPD HV crate. HARDWARE ECAL+ HCAL HV system includes 40 HV_LED_DAC boards for HV control of about 7500 CW bases. 2 HV crates produce the high voltages for 200 MAPMT’s of the PS and SPD sub-detectors. Hardware interface to the ECS is Specs mezzanine CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
4 ECS CALO HV Control There are three layers of the panels in the developed HV projects with dedicated functional meaning: I.Top level CALO HV panel shows a summary status of the HV and LV-MV power supplies powering the HV electronics of the calorimeter sub-detectors. From this panel one can control HV using standard FSM way. The panel is dedicated to the shift and CALO piquet operators. II.Top level sub-detector HV panel shows a power supply summary status, but mainly dedicated to manage the recipe creation and channel masking. Procedure of the recipe creation is very flexible. There are three possibility to create the HV recipe: Load from a file; Load from internal CALO DB; Prepare recipe using the expert panels; In the same time the panel includes a tool for the recipe values scaling. The panel is dedicated to the CALO piquet operators and experts. III. Low level panels are dedicated mainly to an expert operation and allow to control HV on the specific hardware groups, an individual channel and tune different monitoring parameters. (warning thresholds of the power supplies voltages, HV ramp-time coefficient, relay delay time...) CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
5 Screen-short of the top level panel of the LHCb HV control. CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ ECS CALO HV Control Global LHCb FSM HV control HV control FSM options: Go_READY Go_STANDBY1 Go_OFF
6 Screen-short of the top level panel of the CALO HV Status (CA1 project). Additional status line with information about the number of switched ON channels was added. There are three colours correspond to the detector HV status: blue – all channels are OFF; orange - WARNING! some channels is in ON state and others OFF; green – all channels are ON; CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ ECS CALO HV Control 2 powers Logical AND 3 powers Logical AND Global CALO HV Status
7 ECS CALO HV-LED Control System for piquet CALO Piquet Training Session 17.11.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ For monitoring MV currents: Push Start -> I_reference from “Current MV” line will be copied and monitoring started; In case, if current is more or less of the I_reference on 10 mA the colour will be changed to yellow. LED monitoring info for showing LEDTSB and LED intensity boards status. If green the triggering is enabled, red if not. Screenshot of the top level CALO HV Status panel
8 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the top level ECS-FSM hierarchy for CALO HV system with a trend plot of the middle voltage power supply current. CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
9 How To: CALO HV power supply and ECS control 2.06.10 Anatoli Konoplyannikov Q. What to do in case of the problems with HV system restarting? A.As was written in CALO HV tutorial, after rebooting PC and restarting a HV project, some times it is better to go through the main First Time initialization panel (one per each side of sub- detector) and perform Specs_Init and Set_HV_OFF actions (wait while it finished) and then close the panel. Some times it is useful to check the logout of a HV project. In case of normal running one can see the HVmonitoring script messages. If there is no any messages, one must restart the HVmonitoring script.
10 CALO HV Status bits for ODIN Screen short of the panel for CALO HV status Bits board monitoring and control Click on the button for open Panel. Measured Currents Min-Max Thresholds Final HV Status The Status is green when the power supply current is into a range between Min and Max threshold CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
11 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the top level ECS-FSM hierarchy for CALO HV sub-systems. Control Unit Options for recipes creation HV and LED intensity scaling First time CALO HV system initialization panel. Now for experts only ! MV power Status with possibility set a monitoring range. Mean HV Settings and Readings CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Sub-detector HV Status Open panel for channel masking
12 ECAL/HCAL HV channel masking Panel For improving the calorimeter hot channels masking on the level of HV system the dedicated panel has been developed. There are five different addresses describing an individual detector cell: 1. Official detector naming area=O,M,I; X=0 – 64; Y=0 – 64; 2. Cell X, Y coordinate in mm; 3. Cell DAQ encoding detID<<14+area<<12+Y<<6+X; 4. FE channel address 10000*crate+100*slot+ ch; 5. HV board address 1000* board+channel; ECAL one side HV top level panel. CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ 1.Find bad Channel address from Presenter 2. Find Cell 3. Mask Channel
13 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the ECAL region (outer region) HV system control panel. FSM options: Go_READY Go_STANDBY1 Go_OFF CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Select & press LEFT There is a possibility to exclude a board from the FSM control
14 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the ECAL HV board panel. CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Device Unit Select & press LEFT Low level expert panels
15 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the ECAL HV CW group control panel. CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Select & press LEFT Low level expert panels
16 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the ECAL one HV channel control panel. CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Select & press LEFT Low level expert panels
17 New procedure of the CALO HV system recovery after power cut: Check FSM DCS tree is functional. Open the “CALO HV Status” panel for monitoring the HV initialization status. From FSM top level switch on all DCS power supplies for sub-detectors. Restart all CALO HV projects (PRSHVC1, PRSHVA1, ECHVC1, ECHVA1, HCHVC1,HCHVA1). There are three ways to do this. One is from Service+ of the dedicated online PCs and other one from shortcuts of the DetHVC1_Console and last one, not implemented yet, to use a script. Switch on the HV with needed recipe. Screen-short of the ECAL side C HV project console Last time the HV recovering after power cuts was rather painful ! CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Needed timing of the HV ramping up is defined in document prepared by Marie – Noelle !!!
18 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the top level ECS-FSM hierarchy for PS/SPD HV system. There is suggestion to separate PS and SPD HV control from FSM tree ! PS/SPD HV system CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Options for recipes creation first time CALO HV system initialization
19 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the PS/SPD HV crate panel. PS/SPD HV system CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ HV crate Info
20 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the PS/SPD HV board panel. PS/SPD HV system CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
21 ECS CALO HV Control Screen- short of the PS/SPD one HV channel control panel. PS/SPD HV system CALO Piquet Training Session 21.10.09 Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
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