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World War IBattles TreatyVersaille s AlliancesLeaders 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400.

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3 World War IBattles TreatyVersaille s AlliancesLeaders 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

4 These were two Peace Conferences organized to prevent a global war. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom First Universal Peace Conference The Hague Tribunal

5 These were the two lost French provinces that helped fuel French nationalism What are Alsace and Lorraine?

6 This is another name for the glorification of armed conflict. What is militarism?

7 This was the branch of the military that grew in Great Britain and Germany and competed in world domination. What was the Navy?

8 This area of eastern Europe was known as “the powder keg” What was the Balkan Peninsula?

9 This was the neutral country that was invaded by Germany and brought Great Britain into the war. What was Belgium?

10 This was the battle where French forces resisted German forces and stated “They shall not pass”. What was the Battle of Verdun?

11 This is the battle where ANZAC troops tried to bring supplies to starving Russian troops. What was the Battle of Gallipoli?

12 This was one of the worst Russian defeats of the War and the rest of the battles on the eastern front were fought on Russian soil. What was the Battle of Tannenburg?

13 At this battle 60,000 British troops were killed in one day and during the five month battle over a million soldiers were killed. What was the Battle of the Somme?

14 This was the chief ambassador from France who wanted to weaken Germany. Who was Georges Clemenceau?

15 He was the British diplomat who attended the Paris Peace Conference. Who was David Lloyd George?

16 These are the three new countries who rose out of the Hapsburg Empire. What were Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Yugoslavia?

17 This was the only point of the 14 points included in the Treaty of Versailles What was the League of Nations?

18 This was the member of the Triple Entente who was not invited to the Paris Peace Conference. What was Russia or the Soviet Union?

19 These were the three countries who formed the Central Powers. What were Germany, Austria – Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire?

20 What was the correspondence that attempted an alliance between Mexico and Germany. What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

21 These were the three countries that formed the Triple Entente. What were Russia, France and Great Britain?

22 These were the three countries of the Three Emperor’s League, an alliance formed by Bismarck. What were Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Russia?

23 This was the Treaty negotiated between Russia and Germany in 1918, and ended Russia’s involvement in WWI. What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

24 He was the leader of Germany during World War I. Who was Kaiser Wilhelm or William II?

25 He was the Russian Czar during World War I until 1917. Who was Czar Nicholas II?

26 He led the United States Expeditionary force in World War I, and also had tried to capture Pancho Villa in Mexico. Who was General “Black Jack” Pershing?

27 This Russian leader pulled troops out of World War I. Who was Vladimir Lenin?

28 He was the German military strategist who planned to defeat France quickly and then defeat Russia. Who was General Alfred Schlieffen?

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