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Data Issues and Approach During Phase 2 of LBA Jim Shuttleworth University of Arizona The SAHRA Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Issues and Approach During Phase 2 of LBA Jim Shuttleworth University of Arizona The SAHRA Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Issues and Approach During Phase 2 of LBA Jim Shuttleworth University of Arizona The SAHRA Center

2 Extracting the Added Value of LBA Multi-site Data Data Collection Observer Analysis & Reporting Q.C. Site Data SITE 1 Data Collection Observer Analysis & Reporting Q.C. Site Data SITE “N” Observer Interpretation Other than Observer Interpretation Observer Interpretation Other than Observer Interpretation Group 1Group “M” Multi-Observer Reporting & Analysis Multi-Observer Reporting & Analysis Multi-Participant Synthesis & Interpretation Multi-Participant Synthesis & Interpretation Other than Observer Synthesis & Interpretation Other than Observer Synthesis & Interpretation The “Added Value” LBA-SSC ACTION

3 Constraining the Problem Define a specific “End Date” for Phase 1 of LBA (in Fall, 2005?) because otherwise: Define a specific “End Date” for Phase 1 of LBA (in Fall, 2005?) because otherwise: the LBA dataset is a “moving target’ the LBA dataset is a “moving target’ “milestones” dates for data submission can’t be defined “milestones” dates for data submission can’t be defined Survey all past and current LBA participants to define the dataset that will be available at specified dates, e.g. Survey all past and current LBA participants to define the dataset that will be available at specified dates, e.g. December 31, 2005; December 31, 2005; June 30, 2006; June 30, 2006; Etc Etc Provide incentives and opportunities to encourage data timely data submission, in the form of Provide incentives and opportunities to encourage data timely data submission, in the form of shared participation in “reporting & analysis” papers shared participation in “reporting & analysis” papers teambuilding around “synthesis and interpretation” papers teambuilding around “synthesis and interpretation” papers

4 Two Types of LBA “Value Added” Products Multi-Observer Reporting and Analysis Studies Multi-Observer Reporting and Analysis Studies Document experimental sites and procedures Document experimental sites and procedures Document the similarities and differences between results at different LBA field sites Document the similarities and differences between results at different LBA field sites Investigate and document the relative strengths and weaknesses of datasets Investigate and document the relative strengths and weaknesses of datasets Seek to address landscape-scale questions, and the site independence of answers to these questions Seek to address landscape-scale questions, and the site independence of answers to these questions Multi-Participant Synthesis and Interpretation Studies Multi-Participant Synthesis and Interpretation Studies Seek to answer large-scale questions that require multi-site data Seek to answer large-scale questions that require multi-site data Will generally involve some type of “model” as a means of interpolating/extrapolating in space and time, e.g. Will generally involve some type of “model” as a means of interpolating/extrapolating in space and time, e.g. a data model (e.g. use RS data to interpolate/extrapolate site data) a data model (e.g. use RS data to interpolate/extrapolate site data) a biophysical model (use site data to calibrate model parameters) a biophysical model (use site data to calibrate model parameters)

5 Implementing the Opportunity Define “groups” of multi-site datasets for multi-observer “analysis and reporting” studies Define “groups” of multi-site datasets for multi-observer “analysis and reporting” studies Define who will lead and who will represent each observer group in multi-observer “reporting and analysis” studies and papers Define who will lead and who will represent each observer group in multi-observer “reporting and analysis” studies and papers Set deadlines for submission of quality control data and text describing sites and methods (field methods, quality control,…) Set deadlines for submission of quality control data and text describing sites and methods (field methods, quality control,…) Define the common analysis that will be undertaken for each contributed dataset Define the common analysis that will be undertaken for each contributed dataset DO IT and WRITE ABOUT IT! DO IT and WRITE ABOUT IT! MULTI-OBSERVER “REPORTING & ANALYSIS” OPPORTUNITIES Multi-site Data Group 1 Multi-Observer Analysis & Reporting Multi-Participant Synthesis & Interpretation Group “M” Multi-Observer Analysis & Reporting Multi-Participant Synthesis & Interpretation

6 Possible Multi-Observer “Reporting and Analysis” Studies? Documentation of LBA tower site array, and multi- site comparison of near surface atmospheric variables and surface exchanges at tower sites Documentation of LBA tower site array, and multi- site comparison of near surface atmospheric variables and surface exchanges at tower sites Documentation of LBA multi-site “tree growth” sites and compare results Documentation of LBA multi-site “tree growth” sites and compare results Documentation of LBA multi-site biogeochemical sampling and compare results Documentation of LBA multi-site biogeochemical sampling and compare results Several others (to be define in discussion at this Belem BA-SSC meeting?) Several others (to be define in discussion at this Belem BA-SSC meeting?)

7 Implementing the Opportunity Specify large-scale questions that require multi-site data that will be addressed Specify large-scale questions that require multi-site data that will be addressed Define who will lead and who will participate in each synthesis group (Note: the peer review process for NASA AO may help do this) Define who will lead and who will participate in each synthesis group (Note: the peer review process for NASA AO may help do this) Identify which multi-site data are required and when (in addition to that being made available for reporting and analysis studies described earlier) Identify which multi-site data are required and when (in addition to that being made available for reporting and analysis studies described earlier) Define the common synthesis and/or modeling procedures that will be undertaken to answer the question Define the common synthesis and/or modeling procedures that will be undertaken to answer the question DO IT and WRITE ABOUT IT! DO IT and WRITE ABOUT IT! MULTI-PARTICIPANT “SYNTHESIS AND INTERPRETATION” OPPORTUNITIES Multi-site Data Group 1 Multi-Observer Analysis & Reporting Multi-Participant Synthesis & Interpretation Group “M” Multi-Observer Analysis & Reporting Multi-Participant Synthesis & Interpretation

8 Possible Multi-Participant “Synthesis & Interpretation” Studies Around question/s relating to: Around question/s relating to:  Amazonian Carbon Dynamics  Sustainability in Amazonian  Whole system functioning of Amazonia  Hydrometeorology of Amazonia  Future trajectories of change in Amazonia Others? (to be define in discussion at this Belem BA-SSC meeting?) Others? (to be define in discussion at this Belem BA-SSC meeting?)

9 Publication Venues and Dates? Special Issues in: Special Issues in:  JGR (Biosciences)?  IGBP (Springer) “Synthesis” Books? Editorship and Titles? Editorship and Titles?  LBA: Climate and Chemistry (Nobre, Assuncao, Andreae, Artaxo, Avissar,..?)  LBA: Land Use, Carbon and Biogeochemistry (Keller, Bustamante, Rocha, Viera, Malhi,..?) Dates for submission? Dates for submission? May 2006, November 2006? May 2006, November 2006?

10 SUMMARY OF SUGGESTIONS Define a specific “end date” for Phase 1 of LBA (Dec. 31, 2005?) Define a specific “end date” for Phase 1 of LBA (Dec. 31, 2005?) Define two types of activity to give the “value added” products Define two types of activity to give the “value added” products from LBA’s multi-site data: from LBA’s multi-site data:  Multi-Observer Reporting and Analysis Studies  Multi-Participant Synthesis and Interpretation Studies and identify specific opportunities in these two categories now Specify who will lead and who will participate in each of these Specify who will lead and who will participate in each of these tasks/opportunities, and what data are required tasks/opportunities, and what data are required Define publication venues, submission dates, editors Define publication venues, submission dates, editors Define a series of target dates at 6-month intervals (e.g. Dec Define a series of target dates at 6-month intervals (e.g. Dec 2005, June 2006, December 2006,..) and survey all relevant past 2005, June 2006, December 2006,..) and survey all relevant past and current LBA participants to define the dates that the data and current LBA participants to define the dates that the data required for each selected task will be available, using selected required for each selected task will be available, using selected co-authorship as the incentive. co-authorship as the incentive.

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