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Challenges & Issues for SBNE Nigel S. Lockyer 4/4/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges & Issues for SBNE Nigel S. Lockyer 4/4/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges & Issues for SBNE Nigel S. Lockyer 4/4/14

2 The Emerging Vision…waiting for P5 Priorities for the U.S. Particle Physics Program U.S. High Energy Physics community continues to play a leading role in LHC operations and upgrades Fermilab hosts world-class accelerator-based neutrino program Full scope LBNE, underground with >1MW beam power Active program in short baseline LArTPC experiments..SBNE Next gen rare process exp’ts take place this decade…g-2, Mu2e Explore new particles & forces with a set of exp’ts in the cosmic frontier…..lead DES, partner LSST, CMB, DESI, dark matter exp’s Participation in the ILC as an international partner Plans for an upgrade of Fermilab complex to deliver >2 MW Work with world community on longer term accel technology Requires major investments by non-DOE and international partners

3 Pre-amble: SBNE and Sterile Neutrinos Sterile neutrinos are hotter now…after gravitational waves Fermilab is highly motivated to work with Europe on neutrinos SBNE has several “off-project” attractive features –Physics is compelling, one million reconstructed events useful for LBNE, advancing the technology reduces risk for LBNE, team building at Fermilab and in Europe Unfortunately Carlo Rubbia, key ICARUS team members and INFN are unable to make this date…may be available at end of April…exact dates soon…prevents final decisions…but We should strive to accomplish as much as possible here We will need to make a few assumptions…some of which I can provide guidance 3

4 How to Make Some Progress…external constraints Constraints from DOE –The building cost must be less than $10M or it will require congressional approval (local language a GPP project) –The detector cost capped at $10M ….due to budget ….funds are coming from redirection from an existing program –A goal is we build and operate the near detector as R&D to avoid the Critical Decision process (CD process) (<$10M and the MIE limit is $2M, otherwise it must go through Congress making a single item above that cost hard to deal with)…I’ll try to better understand this. –The enlargement of the SciBoone Hall should be less than $3M If these constraints can be met and we agree on details as a team, we can start essentially immediately. 4

5 Studies that are needed It would be helpful to have plots to demonstrate an optimal length along the beam direction for the near detector –This should be a joint Lar1-ND & Icarus study Identify three coordinators from LAr1-ND, MicroBoone, and Icarus to do work necessary to: –Ensure raw data from all three collaborations is compatible –Provide plots to demonstrate reach of physics –vary a few parameters to show near detector length optimal needed taking into account all three detectors Estimate running period (POT) neutrinos & if desired antineutrinos Would a factor of two in neutrinos be useful….Valerie is looking into a new improved horn design…worth it? 5

6 Hardware issues…to get a reliable cost estimate We must have a reliable cost even if not a “CD” project Provide a better estimate of near detector: –Develop a requirements document for near detector –Include: power, cryogenic distribution, cryogenic design, footprint, and equipment, ??? –Include contingency and risk matrix 6

7 Icarus Building Costs Can we assume that ICARUS is on the surface? Estimate how long it will run…. has an impact on design of structure and construction materials Requirements document for that building is needed: –Power, cryogenics, networking, safety systems….. New Control room in Wilson hall under construction…complete by summer is assumed 7

8 Other Areas to Collaborate: US & CERN We should be looking at a broad program in preparation of signing a joint US CERN agreement for LHC and neutrinos The cryogenics design should be modern & scalable, in preparation for LBNE (underground) Membrane cryostat issues can be jointly addressed A T-200/300 at CERN if it goes ahead should have US involvement …Strait and Nessi Two phase detectors Use of CERN test beam should be exploited jointly Targets & horn can be a joint area of development 1/3/14Presenter | Presentation Title8

9 Conclusion Much real work to do. Let’s setup the frame work for progress and begin Integrate the “three teams” into process being set up Encourage joining each other efforts Plan another meeting end of this month –We are trying to allow colleagues to submit NSF grants on time 1/3/14Presenter | Presentation Title9

10 Thank you

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