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 Parent Ambassadors Program Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP.

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1  Parent Ambassadors Program Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP

2 O verview of Parent Ambassadors Program  Parent Ambassadors is a year long leadership and advocacy program for Head Start and ECEAP parents in Washington State  The goal is to develop parent leaders, to advocate for their children and themselves -  “Transforming Families, Policy and Communities”  Each year approximately 20 parents with children enrolled in Head Start and ECEAP are selected through an application process  We will be implementing our 8 th year of the program in 2016

3 Key Objectives  To train how to effectively educate, advocate and influence policy makers, lawmakers and agency leaders  To give parents a voice at key policy making tables  To empower parents with new skills, confidence and knowledge to navigate systems and create change  To support parents so they can educate, train, and mobilize parents in their local communities  To secure real and measurable victories for parents, children and families  To give parents the skills/confidence to move toward self-sufficiency

4 Program Infrastructure  Parent Coordinators – Mentoring and support Parent Ambassadors and program coordination. Parent Coordinators are all Parent Ambassadors Alumni.  Program Director - Direct and manages the program, provides training, mentoring and support of Parent Coordinators and Parent Ambassadors.  WSA Executive and Deputy Directors – provide opportunity, coaching and WSA as the parent organization provides infrastructure.  Each Parent Ambassador has some support from their local Early Head Start, Head Start/ECEAP program.

5 Training  Attend a minimum of 150 hours of face to face trainings during a program year  Training consists of the legislative process, communicating with policy and lawmakers, how to give effective testimony, knowing your audience and ways to develop grassroots mobilization.  Leadership training focuses on team building, conflict resolution, negotiation and presentation skills.  We access top level speakers including lawmakers, campaign consultants, and leadership coaches in addition to PA Staff.

6 Communication  Ambassadors get together via conference call at a minimum of twice a month  Ambassadors receive regular mentoring support from the Parent coordinators.  Ambassadors receive email updates from WSA about what is happening with state and federal legislation  We are also very active on FACEBOOK and social media  We publish a newsletter that Ambassadors can use in their local communities

7 Parent Ambassador Alumni  Parent Ambassadors graduate after one year and then stay engaged through a less formal Alumni network  Parent Ambassador Alumni continue to support the new Parent Ambassadors through a variety of ways including local networking when living in the same communities and through social networking  Parent Ambassador Alumni are often engaged in current policy concerns and issues

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