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Published bySarah Whitehead Modified over 9 years ago
Lodi Unified School District Accountability Progress Report (APR) 2008-09 Results Update Prepared by the LUSD Assessment, Research & Evaluation Department
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 2 Executive Summary – Academic Performance Index (API) The API is the state’s accountability system and its focus is on how much schools are improving academically from year-to- year. LUSD’s 2009 Growth API was 729, representing an increase of 9 points compared to the 2008 Base API of 720; California’s API was 755, representing an increase of 14 points. 27 district schools met their school-wide API targets 15 of these schools met all of their subgroup API targets Our seven 800 + schools from the previous school year did not have a growth target but continued to make growth Three more schools passed the 800 mark 15 schools went up over 20 points
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 3 Executive Summary – Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) The AYP is the Federal accountability system, and its focus is on school performance, regardless of growth or baseline data. AYP calculations will be revised in November 2009 to include the new California Modified Assessment results for students with disabilities in grades 6 through 8. LUSD made positive API growth and positive growth in AYP/English Language Arts and AYP/Mathematics for the fifth consecutive year. LUSD exceeded the 2009 AYP target for English Language Arts, with 45.7%* of the students performing at or above the Proficient level. LUSD also exceeded the 2009 AYP target for Mathematics, with 47.6%* of the students performing at or above the Proficient level. *Per the CDE exclusionary rules, AYP proficiency calculations only include grade 2-8 Standardized Testing and Reporting program and grade 10 California High School Exit Exam results, and excludes results for students who enrolled after the first week of October and for English Learner students enrolled for less than 12 months.
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 4 Executive Summary – AYP Since 2007, the achievement gap between White students and African American students has slightly widened in English Language Arts and mathematics. Over this same time period, the achievement gap between White students and Hispanic students has narrowed in English Language Arts and widened in Mathematics.
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 5 Executive Summary – AYP AYP Percent Proficient Criteria 45.7% of LUSD students were proficient in English Language Arts in 2009, representing a 1-year increase of 4.9 points and a 2-year increase of 7.7 points. 47.6% of LUSD students were proficient in Mathematics in 2009, representing a 1-year increase of 2.1 points and a 2-year increase of 4.4 points. 14 schools met all AYP targets The 2009 APR graduation rate of 82.7% represents a -3.1 point decrease from the 2008 APR graduation rate. The number of AYP Criteria LUSD met decreased from 45 of 46 in 2007 to 34 of 46 in 2009 due to the increased proficiency targets (see next slide). 2007 Missed AYP Criteria2008 Missed Criteria2009 Missed Criteria English Language Arts – Percent Proficient Students with Disabilities English Language Arts – Percent Proficient African American Students Hispanic Students Economically Disadvantaged Students English Learners Students with Disabilities Mathematics – Percent Proficient African American Students Students with Disabilities English Language Arts – Percent Proficient African American Students Hispanic or Latino Students Economically Disadvantaged Students English Learners Students with Disabilities Mathematics – Percent Proficient African American Students Hispanic or Latino Students Pacific Islander Students Economically Disadvantaged Students English Learners Students with Disabilities Graduation Rate
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 6 Executive Summary – AYP Proficiency Targets
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 7 Executive Summary – Next Steps APR information is shared with district and site leadership teams. Site specific information is used by the Educational Services Division for program monitoring and assistance efforts. Graduation rate Information is used to develop and guide systemic program improvement efforts.
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 8 Overview of California’s Accountability Reporting System The California Department of Education (CDE) uses the Accountability Progress Report (APR) to report LUSD’s: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) results for federal accountability, and Academic Performance Index (API) results for state accountability.
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 9 Overview of California’s Accountability Reporting System Difference Between API and AYP API results focus on how much schools are improving academically from year-to-year. Results are reported using scores ranging from 200 to 1000. California’s expectation is that every school will annually make-up at least 5% of the difference between their base API and the statewide performance target of 800. AYP results focus on school performance, regardless of growth or baseline data. Results are reported in terms of the: Participation rate and percent proficient* in English Language Arts and Mathematics API as an other indicator Graduation rate as an other indicator *See Safe Harbor Slide
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 10 Overview of California’s Accountability Reporting System Safe Harbor is an alternate method of meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs). Specifically, if a school, an LEA, or a subgroup does not meet its AMO criteria in either or both content areas and shows significant progress in moving students from scoring below the proficient level to the proficient level or above on the assessments, AYP may be achieved.
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 11 Overview of California’s Accountability Reporting System Tests Used in Calculating the API and AYP TestAcademic Performance Index (API)Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) California Standards Test (CST) Grade 2-11 English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and History-Social Science (Heavily Weighted test) Grades 2-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics (Heavily weighted test) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Students with Disabilities in Grades 2-11 English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science Grades 2-8, and 10 English Language Arts and Mathematics California Modified Assessment (CMA) Students with Disabilities in Grades 3-8 English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and History-Social Science Grades 3-8 English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Grade 10 (and 11 and 12 is passed) English Language Arts and Mathematics Score of 350 = Passed = 1000 Grade 10 English Language Arts and Mathematics Score of 380 – Proficient (Heavily weighted test)
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 12 Overview of California’s Accountability Reporting System Yearly AYP targets for LUSD Year Participation Rate Percent Proficient – English Language Arts Percent Proficient – Mathematics API or growth of at least 1 point Graduation rate or average growth of at least 0.1 percentage point 2002 to 2004951212.856082.8 2005 to 2007952323.759082.9 2008953434.662083.0 2009954545.565083.1 2010955656.468083.2 2011956767.371083.3 2012957878.274083.4 2013958989.177083.5 201495100 80083.6
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 13 High Achieving Comparative Districts In 2008 high achieving comparative districts were selected using the following criteria: District type Size of English Learner population Size of Economically Disadvantaged population Alhambra, Garden Grove, and San Francisco were selected Comparing our results along with the results of these high achieving districts highlights available growth opportunities for our district related to API and AYP.
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043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 17 Subgroup Performance Based on API Subgroups with a positive 2009 API growth that exceeded the district’s overall growth of 9 points: Pacific Islander (+27), African American (+17), Students with Disabilities (+14), American Indian & Asian (+13), and Economically Disadvantaged (+12). Subgroups with a positive 2009 API growth that did not exceed the districts overall growth: Hispanic or Latino (+9), White (+7), and English Learner (+6). Subgroup that did not have a positive 2009 API growth: Filipino (-1).
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 18 Achievement Gap Update Based on API Growth The achievement gap between White students and African American students narrowed by 10 points. The achievement gap between White students and Hispanic students widened by 2 points. The achievement gap between all LUSD students and students with disabilities narrowed by 5 points.
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 19
043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 20 Subgroup Performance Based on AYP From 2008 to 2009, every numerically significant subgroup had proficiency increases. From 2008 to 2009, there were proficiency increases in Mathematics for every numerically significant subgroup except for American Indian & Filipino.
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043 Accountability Progress Report Update _ September 2009 23 Achievement Gap Update Based on AYP – Percent of Proficient Students From 2007 to 2009, the achievement gap between White students and African American students widened by 0.3 points in English Language Arts and 0.8 points in Mathematics. From 2007 to 2009, the achievement gap between White students and Hispanic students narrowed by 1.2 points in English Language Arts and widened by 0.1 points in Mathematics.
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