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IKEA The Packaging Experts Kelly Campbell Catrin Bernroth.

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Presentation on theme: "IKEA The Packaging Experts Kelly Campbell Catrin Bernroth."— Presentation transcript:

1 IKEA The Packaging Experts Kelly Campbell Catrin Bernroth

2 IKEA Background Founded by Ingvar Kamprad -1943 Introduce Furniture -1947 IKEA uses flat packaging – 1956 IKEA expands ◦Outside Scandinavia -1973 ◦United States - 1985

3 IKEA in the US “At first, we weren’t sure the USA needed IKEA. After all, what could we bring to the country that has everything? But we discovered there is a need everywhere for useful, attractive home furnishings at prices for every wallet.” -IKEA Timeline IKEA now has 33 stores in the US

4 The Article Unconventional ownership ◦Owned by a Foundation ◦Not publicly traded ◦Senior Advisor Ingvar Kamprad ◦Emphasizes independence and long-term Vision and Strategy ◦Good design, function, quality ◦Low prices, large demographic The Innovative Packaging ◦Key to their success

5 The Innovative Packaging Customers assemble and transport products themselves ◦No wait for delivery Shipping costs reduced Labor costs reduced Storage costs reduced Inventory maximized Packaging = Low Price Products

6 Sources Ingvar Kamprad - IKEA Founder and One of the World's Richest Men ◦ epreneur/p/ingvarkamprad.htm epreneur/p/ingvarkamprad.htm Google Images ◦ IKEA Website –Timeline ◦ meline/full_story.html meline/full_story.html

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