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LIS4940 Spring 2011 Naaman Butler & Clay Gonzales.

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Presentation on theme: "LIS4940 Spring 2011 Naaman Butler & Clay Gonzales."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIS4940 Spring 2011 Naaman Butler & Clay Gonzales

2  Redesign CCI recruiting website to more effectively promote IT and ICT programs  Make it more interesting and visually appealing

3  New Site Successfully Built ◦

4  Varying levels of CSS experience within team  Conflicting schedules ◦ Hard to find a good time to hold meetings  Coding a Site vs. Using Template ◦ Some parts of the project took a bit more time because of this decision.  Flickr Feed ◦ Wasn’t able to get RSS feed to bring in pictures ◦ Result-Flickr feed scrapped

5  Create new site design ◦ Met!  Get feedback on proposed model ◦ Met! – feedback gathered through focus groups was used to tweak model before coding began

6  Collaborate with other groups ◦ Could have done better  There was some difficulty accessing videos produced by other groups  Time constraints  Only Group currently using recruiting site is Guerilla Marketing 1(Google Analytics)  Code new Site ◦ Met!  Implement a successful new recruiting site ◦ To be determined ◦ Measured with Google analytics

7  Managed time better to allow more time to integrate material from other groups.  Outsourced the JavaScript coding for the Flickr feed


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