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Tauno Suurkivi Deputy Director General
The Estonian Rescue Board abilities in liquidation of sea coast pollution Tauno Suurkivi Deputy Director General ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
Police and Border Guard Board Rescue Board Environmental Board
Oil spill detection and liquidation is responsibility of the Police and Border Guard Board. Coastal pollution is responsibility of the Elimination of Rescue Board and the Environmental Board, who organizes wildlife rescue. Oil spill response operation requires careful advance planning, preparation, capacity of the authorities and the cooperation with relevant authorities in neighboring countries, because in most of the cases the oil spills pollution goes over the pollution of the sea can not be detected, removed or localized. PÄÄSTEAMET
Oil spill risks Estonian cargo port turnover in 2014 amounted to 44 million tones and most of them have a higher proportion of the oil in it. Ships and ports for its oil terminals represent a major source of danger in cases with oil pollution events. Riskianalüüsid peavad tõenäoliseks Läänemerel tonnise tankeri kahe küljetanki lekkimist õnnetuse tagajärjel, mille tõttu satub merre kuni tonni naftat. ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
Earlier Accidents 2000 MUUGA 2014 250 t MURASTE 600 kg 2006 NÕVA 10 t
2013 TORGU 700 kg Such coastal spills cause extensive damage, from particular to environmental sides - both in alive and lifeless nature, and may damage the economic performance and reputation of the polluted region. For a longer period it can affect several critical services of community: maritime transportation, portal operations, rescue operations of machinery, human resources and management of resource occupation. 2000 tanker Alambra Muuga sadamas tonni toornaftat; Reostus sadama akvatooriumis. 2006 ( The South-West of Estonia) looderanniku reostus, rannalt korjati kokku 10 tonni naftasaadusi; hukkus lindu, reostatud 35 km rannariba 2013 Torgu - Tegemist ei olnud ulatusliku reostusega (HOLP), kogused jäävad alla 5 t ( 700 kg parafiini), olukorra lahendamine jääb KOV vastutusele, päästeamet abistab. 2014 Muraste - Tegemist ei olnud ulatusliku reostusega (HOLP), kogused jäävad alla 5 t ( 600 kg õli) , olukorra lahendamine jääb KOV vastutusele, päästeamet abistab. ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
Capacities of oil spills liquidation
2300 meters of coastal booms for the localization of heavy oil 1000 meters of absorbent booms for containment of oil pollution Collection of heavy oil technical means with productivity 36 m³/h The equipment for 50 volunteer people for 19 days ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
Capabilities locations
KOSE logistics center OIL container BOOM container SKIMMER container TALLINN OIL container BOOM container KOHTLA-JÄRVE OIL container BOOM container HAAPSALU OIL container BOOM container Each center has two emergency containers, a total of eight containers; Departure time 10 minutes. Logistics center has three containers. Departure time up to 120 minutes. Arrival Time at the continent - responding to two hours of special equipment (containers) for each point. On the island – response time within 4 hours to any point of the island. TARTU OIL container BOOM container ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
The Use of Capabilities
ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD Environmental Inspection Police and Border Guard Board Estonian Nature Fund Volunteer Reserve Rescue Group Local authorities Environmental Board Hädaolukorra ( emergency situation) lahendamist rannikul alates reostuse avastamisest kuni reostuse edasise inimeste elu või keskkonda vahetult ohustava leviku tõkestamiseni juhib Päästeamet. Police and Border Guard Board – pollution monitoring Environmental Inspection - modeling of pollution, contamination of samples Environmental Board - wildlife, waste pollution Estonian Nature Fund – Wildlife and Bird Hospital Volunteer Reserve Rescue Group – liquidation of pollution Local authorities ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
Collaboration for the oil spill liquidation on the coast
Accident response management
Ready to help others! 2007 Latvia
100 tons of diesel fuel pollution in the Daugava river Response time 10 hours Team of 5 experts Kose BOOM container ESTONIAN RESCUE BOARD
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