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VISTA 19 August 2005 21 October 2005 Park Hyatt, Melbourne Assessment & Reporting Conference Mt Waverley Innovations & Excellence Cluster Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "VISTA 19 August 2005 21 October 2005 Park Hyatt, Melbourne Assessment & Reporting Conference Mt Waverley Innovations & Excellence Cluster Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISTA 19 August 2005 21 October 2005 Park Hyatt, Melbourne Assessment & Reporting Conference Mt Waverley Innovations & Excellence Cluster Presentation

2 Assessment moderation across a Cluster Robyn Rivett Educator Mount Waverley I & E Cluster

3 TOC Professional renewal Curriculum reform Structural reorganisation Collaborative communication Building and Sustaining a Cluster Learning Community

4 Can we trust the data?

5 Year 5 LAP English 5B Maths 4C Year 7 Dec Report English 5C Maths 5B Year 6 Dec Report English 5C Maths 5B Year 7 AIM English 6B Maths 5C

6 Cluster Training Middle Years Numeracy SB Coordinators Four Cluster schools trained - 2003 Middle Years Literacy SB Coordinators All Cluster schools trained - 2003 Middle Years ICT Two staff from each Cluster school Kahootz trained

7 Literacy Numeracy Mount Waverley I & E Cluster Networks ICT

8 Cluster Progress Maps Assessment Moderation Assessment Rubrics Common Rich Assessment Tasks Curriculum@Work Annotated Samples Data – why does a literacy teacher need it? Year 5-9 Literacy Assessment

9 Process Topics agreed at Cluster Literacy Network Task guidelines established Thinking tools suggested to explore the topic Planning but no drafting 45 minutes Assessed using rubric Three samples at varying levels moderated Cluster Literacy Assessment Tasks

10 Cluster Literacy Tasks Narrative – The Gift Persuasive Writing – Are mobile phones a luxury or a necessity? Informative report/submission – to School Council on The Ideal Learning Environment

11 Year 5-9 Numeracy Assessment AGQTP Funding Common Professional Learning Common rich assessment task Year 5-9 Assessment Rubric Assessment Moderation TPL Funding Cluster documentation

12 Cluster Numeracy Task Open-ended rich task

13 Cluster Assessment Moderation Underpinned by shared values that foster commitment to continuous improvement high levels of trust and mutual support open communication

14 Outcomes Improved spread of achievement across CSF Levels Recognition and acceptance that Year 6 students can achieve at CSF Levels 5 and 6 Targeted literacy intervention programs for students below expected standard

15 Impact Rich assessment tasks and assessment rubrics implemented across the Cluster Common understanding of expectations and standards Increased respect for teacher judgements Improved Transition data collection Grade 6 Literacy and Numeracy data used to determine individual learning needs at Year 7

16 Where to from here? Broaden collection of literacy genres moderated Facilitate Making a Difference PD Program Introduce CARS and STARS across the Cluster Develop and apply rich numeracy tasks related to local community context Refinement of assessment rubrics Link common tasks to Standards Revisit, re-run, revise assessment process and outcomes


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