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The Checkered Game of Life Robin Burke GAM 206. Outline o Analysis papers o Annotated Bibliography o Game.

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Presentation on theme: "The Checkered Game of Life Robin Burke GAM 206. Outline o Analysis papers o Annotated Bibliography o Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Checkered Game of Life Robin Burke GAM 206

2 Outline o Analysis papers o Annotated Bibliography o Game

3 Analysis Papers o Grade distribution oA: AAAA------ oB: BBB+++------ oC: + o Comments o structure o get beyond the rules o feedback, information economy, complexity o "this game is boring" o irrelevant

4 Rubric o A = Exceptional o Reflects unusually thorough and comprehensive understanding of all three aspects of the game. o Presents a clear and persuasive argument for each claim regarding the game. o Is very well focused and organized. o Is very well written and proofread with few to no errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc. o B = Commendable o Reflects clear understanding of all three aspects of the game. o Presents a reasonable argument for each claim regarding the game. o Is well focused and organized. o Is well written and proofread with few errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc. o C = Competent o Reflects adequate understanding of all three aspects of the game. o Some aspects of the paper's claims are unsupported. o Demonstrates adequate focus and organization. o Is adequately written and proofread with some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc.

5 Annotated Bibliography o Handout o The Game Itself o No creator, usually o Questions?

6 Milton Bradley o Color lithographer o opens business 1860 o Springfield, Mass. o sells prints of Abraham Lincoln o then Lincoln grows a beard o Impressed by an imported English game o develops a process for attaching color prints to a hinged board o creates "The Checkered Game of Life" o sells 45,000 copies in 1861

7 Board

8 Rules o Start at "Infancy" o Die rolls o 1: One square up or down o 2: One square right or left o 3: One square diagonally in either direction o 4: One or two squares up or down o 5: One or two squares right or left o 6: One or two squares diagonally o cannot land on an occupied space o Player is out o when landing on a picture space o or "Happy Old Age" o Points o accumulate on squares with numbers

9 Wednesday o Read 2 nd chapter from "Huck's Raft" o Discussion of the game and the reading

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