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Tanzania Output Monitoring System for HIV and AIDS TOMSHA A brief overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanzania Output Monitoring System for HIV and AIDS TOMSHA A brief overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanzania Output Monitoring System for HIV and AIDS TOMSHA A brief overview

2 1.Biological HIV surveillance 2.Behavioural HIV Surveillance 3.Population-based surveillance 4.Quality of Health-related HIV services 5.Condom quality and condom availability survey 6.Workplace Survey 7.Tanzania Output Monitoring System for HIV and AIDS (TOMSHA) 8.MoHSW programme monitoring data 9.MoEVT programme monitoring data 10.PER and TACAIDS financial system data TOMSHA is one of the data sources in the national HIV M&E system

3 What is TOMSHA? TOMSHA is the system that TACAIDS and the districts will use to monitor all the HIV activities in the community (not at health facilities) Ministry of Health monitors HIV activities at health facilities TOMSHA requires that organisations that implement HIV activities report TOMSHA therefore provides a summary of data about HIV activities that organisations that implement HIV services should collect on a daily basis through daily record keeping tools, e.g. –RegistersWorkshop report forms –Attendance registersWeekly peer educator reports Each organisation is required to nominate a TOMSHA focal person The TOMSHA Focal Person need to spend about 24 hours every 3 months in supporting TOMSHA activities in the organisation

4 What is TOMSHA? Each organisation should complete a standard TOMSHA form once every quarter Once a year, each organisation should report an additional resource tracking form every year at end of Govt financial year Each organisation submits the TOMSHA form to CHAC/CMAC at district CHAC captures data electronically onto LGMD and sends it to regions and TACAIDS electronically CHAC data audits TOMSHA data received through field visits TACAIDS uses TOMSHA data and MOHSW data to produce a Biannual HIV Programme Report: one national and 21 regional reports TACAIDS and CMACs disseminate HIV Programme Report at feedback meetings

5 How will TOMSHA help? TOMSHA will help CSOs to collect data about their HIV activities. CSOs will use this data to know better what HIV activities to implement and where they can improve TOMSHA will help CMACs to know which HIV activities are being implemented in their districts, if these activities are in line with the new NMSF, and where there are gaps in HIV service delivery TOMSHA will help CHACs to coordinate the implementation of HIV activities in the districts TOMSHA will help the regions to understand what HIV activities are being implemented and what resources are needed TOMSHA will help the country to monitor the implementation of the NMSF

6 How will TOMSHA be implemented? TOMSHA is a new system TOMSHA will be launched in April 2007 TACAIDS will train all stakeholders at the district, regional and community levels in TOMSHA Expect your invitation letter soon!

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