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Section 1 – Expanding Horizons.  Not being involved in foreign affairs.

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1 Section 1 – Expanding Horizons

2  Not being involved in foreign affairs

3  Expanding to neighboring territories

4  President in 1853 – sent Mathew Perry to Japan

5  Asked the Japan to begin trading goods with the U.S.

6  The fleet of war ships scared them  They signed a treaty

7  Japan opens ports to American Ships  We began moving west

8  When European nations got bigger by taking over smaller regions

9  Wanted an American Empire to control the Caribbean, Central America, and the Pacific Ocean

10  Became a state in 1912  Purchased for around a dollar an acre  Seward bought it from Russia for 7.2 million

11  He was made fun of because he bought a piece of ice  We discovered gold, oil and other natural resources there

12  Wanted to spread Christianity to nations close by making them civilized

13  Warned European Nations not to try and colonize land in Central and South America

14  Our influence changed their economy -  How?

15  An agreement between the U.S. and Latin America to share information with one another

16  Wanted to enlarge and improve the Navy  Thought that a strong navy would intimidate the world

17  In 1883, ships were built out of steel for the first time  We had to have a base to refuel them

18  In the beginning ships were wooden and used sails  Then they were steam powered  Some are nuclear

19  Imperialism in the Pacific  What does “imperialism” mean?

20  Where is the Pacific Ocean?

21  Slowly spread the U.S. in other regions by colonizing smaller regions

22  Two strategic islands in the Pacific Ocean that Seward wanted to add to the U.S. for ships to stop and re-fuel

23  8 large islands in the Pacific Ocean  Were fisherman, and farmers of sugar cane and pineapples  There are no snakes there

24  The Hawaiian King that unified all the islands in Hawaii  He was born on the night that Haley’s Comet passed the earth

25  Gave the U.S. a naval base at Pearl Harbor  When we renewed our trade agreement with them

26  Sugar planters couldn’t afford to pay the tariff on their sugar  So they agreed to become a U.S. territory  And soon, a state

27  Was overthrown by American Sugar Planters  We had farms there  She took our power  So we took hers

28  Temporary

29  John Stevens arranged for us to win the revolt  Added Hawaii to the U.S.

30  Approved the annexation of Hawaii

31  Withdrew the annexation of Hawaii because the Hawaiians didn’t want it  But… money talks and it happened anyway

32  The U.S. and Germany share the islands

33  Areas where different countries have special powers

34  Proposed an Open Door Policy with other Nations  Allowed any country in China to trade with other countries inside China’s Sphere of Influence

35  Secret Chinese Martial Arts Society

36  Where the Russo- Japanese War was

37  Signed the Treaty of Portsmouth  Returned Korea to Japan  Only if they promised to stop expanding

38  Fleet of 16 white ships sent around the world to show everyone how powerful we were

39 Section 3- Spanish American War

40  Led the Cuban Revolt against the Cuban Government

41  Wanted to settle the Cuban conflict peacefully

42  An American war ship anchored in Havana Harbor, that blew up “Mysteriously”

43  Site of the first battle of the Spanish American War  Spain owned the Philippines

44  Led the battle in the Philippians

45  Led the rebels  Fought to help the American soldiers

46  The main island in the Philippines

47  Cuban harbor in the southeast corner of Cuba

48  Led by Theodore Roosevelt  The Battle of San Juan Hill

49  We took it after we left Cuba  We still have it

50  A country that is independent but is controlled by another country anyway

51  Gave the US. Control of parts of Cuba  Gave us Guantanamo Bay

52  Opposing foreign expansion

53  Wanted to get the Philippines ready to run themselves

54 Section 4 – Latin American Policies

55  Country in Central America  Site of the Panama Canal  Was controlled by France

56  Encouraged the Panamanians to revolt against the Columbians

57  Helped eliminate Yellow fever  It is spread by mosquitoes

58  Disorder and lawlessness  Usually a rebellion against the Government

59  Gave the U.S. the right to but into South American business if they acted a fool

60  The idea that the U.S. should be concerned with the stability of other nations


62  Overthrew Madera  Liked the idea of wealth and trade with other countries

63  Refused to recognize Huerta  Used Moral Diplomacy to challenge Mexico  Diplomacy is the idea that talking can resolve any issues you have with other countries

64  Huerta’s rival  The U.S. sold him guns hoping he would kill Huerta

65  Opposed Carranza  Killed several Americans just to make us mad  Went into New Mexico and Burned down the town of Columbus

66  Went to kill Villa  Couldn’t find him  He came back empty handed when WWI began


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