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Designing Experiments on Animal Behavior Scientists can conduct experiments on an animal’s behavior in its natural environment. Tinbergen wondered if each.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Experiments on Animal Behavior Scientists can conduct experiments on an animal’s behavior in its natural environment. Tinbergen wondered if each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Experiments on Animal Behavior Scientists can conduct experiments on an animal’s behavior in its natural environment. Tinbergen wondered if each wasp returned only to her own nest. Then he asked how does each wasp keep track of her nests. The results of Tinbergen’s experiment led to new questions.

2 Immediate and Ultimate Causes of Behavior Behavioral biologist ask “how” and “why” questions. Immediate cause - immediate interactions with the environment. Ultimate cause - based on the organism’s evolutionary adaptations.

3 Difference between immediate and ultimate cause of behavior… When you touch something hot….you pull away. Immediate cause “the how” is the reaction to pull away. Ultimate cause “the why” is that natural selection has favored this response, which minimizes damage to the body.

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