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Animal Behavior Chapter 39. Behavior (Ethology) Action carried out by muscles or glands under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior Chapter 39. Behavior (Ethology) Action carried out by muscles or glands under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior Chapter 39

2 Behavior (Ethology) Action carried out by muscles or glands under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus Helps to acquire nutrients for digestion and find a partner for sexual reproduction Contributes to homeostasis (ex bees huddling to provide warmth) Behavior  physiology  behavior Subject to natural selection

3 Ethology Scientific study of animal behavior Niko Tinbergen-4 questions –What stimulus elicits behavior and what physiology forms response? –How does experience affect it? –How does it aid in survival and rep? –What is its evolutionary history?

4 Proximate/Ultimate causation What is the mechanism? Why is it good for species? Ex. Bluegill Ex. Red crowned cranes

5 Fixed Action Pattern Type of behavior directly linked to simple stimulus- trigger called sign stimulus

6 v-ByPkU v-ByPkU

7 Oriented Movement Kinesis-change in activity or turning rate Taxis-movement toward or away from a stimulus

8 Migration-regular, long distance change in location Heads have bits of magnetite –so Earth’s magnetic field pulls on them Photoreceptors are affected by magnetic field

9 Behavioral Rhythms Circadian Clock-24 hour cycle Circannual rhythms-yearly cycle Usually controlled by periods of daylight and dark But some-lunar cycle

10 Signals and communication Visual Chemical Tactile Auditory Q2zJVMA Q2zJVMA

11 Bee Dance Round and Waggle 2bY3mc 2bY3mc

12 Pheromones Chemicals Short distance Queen Bee Warning

13 Innate Behavior Developmentally fixed

14 Learned behavior Habituation-loss of responsiveness to stimuli that carries little new info

15 Imprinting Long lasting response to individual or object-occurs during sensitive period

16 Konrad Lorenz

17 Spatial Learning Memory that reflects environment- Tinbergen FEri98 FEri98

18 Cognitive Maps Representation in nervous system of the spatial relationships in surroundings Ex. Nutcracker WvMBis WvMBis

19 Associative learning Associate one feature with another Ex. Mouse bites distasteful caterpillar- won’t attack those of similar color

20 Classical Conditioning Arbitrary stimulus becomes associated with a particular outcome Pavlov’s dogs EN54ho EN54ho

21 Operant conditioning-Trial and Error

22 Cognition and Problem Solving Devise a method to go from one state to another and deal with obstacles 7oCNaHg 7oCNaHg

23 Learned behaviors Singing in birds-may have to hear songs during sensitive period Humpback whales pAf0-lc pAf0-lc

24 Nature or Nurture?

25 Foraging Behavior Optimal foraging behavior

26 Mating behavior Promiscuous Monogamous Polygamous –Polyandry –Polygyny

27 Agonistic interaction

28 Sexual Dimorphism

29 Inclusive Fitness Altruism


31 YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE Your Subtopics Go Here

32 Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere!

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