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Directions: **Using the BLUE sticky notes, answer the two questions on the board. Please put your name (Student’s Name) on the back of the sticky note.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions: **Using the BLUE sticky notes, answer the two questions on the board. Please put your name (Student’s Name) on the back of the sticky note."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions: **Using the BLUE sticky notes, answer the two questions on the board. Please put your name (Student’s Name) on the back of the sticky note. **Please write how you are getting home on Thursday on the YELLOW sticky note and leave it on your desk!


3 About Mrs. Byrd This will be my fifth year at Holly Hill Elementary. I thought 5 th grade for three years. This will be my second year teaching 4 th grade. I am married to Nicholas Byrd. He is a computer technician for Enterprise City Schools. I graduated from Troy University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education in 2011.

4 Learning at its BEST! This year your child will have the opportunity to personally know more than one fourth grade teacher because we are departmentalized. We are departmentalized so that your child may have more specialized instruction in each subject area. The reading teachers for this year are Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Elston, and Mrs. Murdock. The math teachers for this year are Mrs. Goodson, Mrs. Linton, and Mrs. Murdock. Reading teachers will teach your child reading, language, spelling, writing, and history. Math teachers will teach your child math and science.

5 Reading/Language We will be using the reading program McGraw-Hill Wonders this year. McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders The program provides unmatched support for Building a strong reading foundation Accessing complex text Finding and using text evidence Engaging in collaborative conversations Writing to sources (Information found at Testing Schedule: Reading Test~ Thursday Vocabulary Quiz~ Thursday Language Test~ Wednesday

6 Math The Math program we are implementing is call Investigations. This program is designed to provide multiple strategies to build a concrete foundation of understanding of all learners. Investigations is designed to engage students in making sense of mathematical ideas. It focuses on teaching students to think, reason, and explain mathematically. Your child will go to Mrs. Goodson for Math.

7 Science & Alabama History  Science~ We will learn about Electrical Circuits, Sound and Light, Friction, Interdependence of Plants and Animals, Geological Features of Earth, and Space.  Alabama History~ We will learn about the first Alabamians, its geographic regions and resources, its growth from territory to statehood, the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Great Depression, the New Deal, WWII, changes across the state, Alabama Government, and much more. **Science and History are counted as a grade this year!**

8 Homework All assignments are posted on the board and explained in detail daily. The student will be responsible for copying the assignments down in their weekly planner and turning them in on their due date. Any assignment given that is not finished in class is to be completed at home. Homework might also be short overnight assignments or long term assignments such as reports or projects. There should not be an excessive amount of time spent on homework each night. While I believe that practice of skills learned throughout the day is important, I also believe that family time is an extremely valuable portion of each child’s day. If you are consistently noticing more than an hour of time spent on homework in the evening, please contact me. This usually is a result of students not using their class time wisely!

9 Planners Homework planners are provided for all students at a cost of $2. You may purchase them starting on Thursday!

10 Wednesday Folders In order to keep you posted on your child’s weekly progress, a weekly folder will be sent home each Wednesday. This folder will contain graded activities and classroom/school information that needs to be shared. Please review, sign, and return the folder the following day. The week’s conduct grade will be recorded on the back of the folder.

11 Grades Our grading scale is a ten-point scale. A90-100 B80-89 C70-79 D60-69 F0-59

12 Classroom Management When a rule is broken, the student will sign the conduct binder. If they sign the conduct binder 3 times in one day, they will receive an office referral. If they sign the conduct binder 5 times in a week, they will receive an office referral. Conduct for the week will be recorded on the back of their Wednesday folder. If you wish for your child not to receive corporal punishment, please send a written note as soon as possible.

13 Lets Eat! Lunch Our class will go to lunch from 11:12 to 11:40. Lunch can only be charged twice. Please feel free to have lunch with your child or the class at anytime. Snack We will have snack each day at 2:30. Snacks from home can be brought or they can be purchased in homeroom. Ice cream can be purchased for $0.75 each. Juice and milk can be purchased for $0.60!

14 Afternoon Dismissal Don’t forget to place your child’s car pass in your car window. They must be in the car window starting on Wednesday. If you need extra car pass, stop by the office on your way out. ***Please write how your child will be going home tomorrow on the sticky note located on your child’s desk. Please include bus number if they ride a bus.***

15 Absences/Tardies o If your child is absent: alert the nurse (homework can be picked up at the end of the school day if nurse is notified in the morning) send in excuse upon student’s return to school (either doctor’s excuse or written note) *Upon your child’s return to school, it is their responsibility to get all missed assignments from their teacher first thing that morning. o The morning bell rings at 7:50am. The tardy bell rings at 8am. If your child arrives late, he/she will need to pick up a tardy slip from the office before entering the classroom.

16 Communication Email: (I try to check my email throughout the day, but sometimes it is only checked after school. For any transportation changes, please contact the office.) Don’t forget to check out the Holly Hill website for up to date classroom news and homework. Website: Remind101 (Both Mrs. Byrd & Mrs. Goodson)

17 Wish List Hand wipes Hand soap Germ-x Tissues Paper towels Markers Cardstock *white *colored Page protectors Clorox wipes Hand soap Germ-x Tissues Paper towels Markers Cardstock *white *colored Page protectors Ziploc bags Post-it notes Printer Ink Black HP 61 Color HP 61

18 THANKS!! ! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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