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Published bySandra Stanley Modified over 9 years ago
1 The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) 2007-13 An overview with a focus on cross-border co-operation Giannantonio Ballette European Commission DG Enlargement - Financial Instruments Directorate 16 June 2006
2 External Aid Instruments 2007-13
3 External Aid Instruments 2007-13: COM proposal Three policy driven/geographical instruments: Pre–Accession (IPA) Neighbourhood and Partnership (ENPI) Development Co–operation and Economic Co– operation (DCECI) Three crisis/global instruments: Stability (IfS) [+ Nuclear Safety] Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) – unchanged Macro–Financial Assistance – unchanged
4 The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance - IPA An integrated pre-accession instrument to assist candidate (Croatia, fYRoM, Turkey) and “potential candidate” countries (Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Montenegro, Serbia including Kosovo under UNSCR 1244) Replaces Phare, ISPA, SAPARD and Turkey pre- accession instruments, as well as the CARDS instrument Financial envelope (2007–13): 10.2 billion € (2004 prices) (European Commission’s original proposal ~12.9 billion € )
5 Structure of the IPA: 5 components Single framework, differentiated approach All countries: I. Transition Assistance and Institution Building II. Cross-Border Co-operation In addition, for Candidate countries: III. Regional Development IV. Human Resources Development V. Rural Development
6 Regulatory frameworkIPA= Council Framework Regulation [COM(2004) 627 of 29 Sept. 2004, to be adopted by Council hopefully before the end of June 2006]+ Detailed Implementing Regulation Single implementing regulation, prepared by Commission, approved by Member States (comitology)
7 A 3–level programming framework 1. 2. 3. POLITICAL and FINANCIAL FRAMEWORK “Enlargement Package” including the Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) all countries and by component (3 years rolling forwards) STRATEGIC PLANNING Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) by country for all relevant components Comp IComp II Comp IIIComp IVComp V National and Multi–country Programmes Joint Programming Documents Operational Programmes/ Large project Operational programme Rural Development programme
8 The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – IPA The Cross-Border Co-operation Component (CBC)
9 IPA (Component II) CBC: Scope Three strands: CBC at land and maritime borders with Member States (EU external borders) CBC at borders among candidates/potential candidates (essentially Western Balkan “internal” borders) participation of candidates/potential candidates in the Structural Funds’ transnational (e.g. the successor of CADSES) and interregional programmes, and in ENPI Sea basins programmes, as appropriate
10 The new approach for CBC at EU borders with CC/PCC (1) Single instrument, single legal base: IPA CBC will apply to both sides of the border, on Member States and on (potential) candidates eligible territory Single budget, with funding coming in a balanced way from ERDF and IPA, to be spent on both sides of the border (“common benefit”) under one set of rules [2007-13 global budget for CBC at EU-CC/PCC borders: ~ 530 million €] Single management structures, where authorities of both sides are represented
11 The new approach for CBC at EU borders with CC/PCC (2) Envisaged solution: Structural Funds rules for CBC at EU internal borders to apply also at EU external borders with CC/PCC (future EU internal borders) Adaptations to specific conditions of CBC with third countries to be kept to a very minimum “Safety net” to avoid loss of funds for Member States
12 Eligible Regions Same eligibility rules as under the Structural Funds’ European territorial cooperation objective NUTS level III regions (or equivalent) along land and maritime borders between Member States and adjacent (potential) candidates Maritime borders: regions along the MS–CC/PCC borders separated by max 150 km
14 IPA CBC programmes between MS and CC/PCC (1) The eligible regions bring in a list of 12 potential IPA CBC programmes at EU borders: Italy/Croatia–Bosnia & Herzegovina–Montenegro– Albania Slovenia/Croatia Hungary/Croatia Hungary/Serbia Romania/Serbia Bulgaria/Serbia Bulgaria/fYRoM Bulgaria/Turkey Greece/Turkey Greece/Albania Greece/fYRoM Cyprus/Turkey
15 IPA CBC programmes between MS and CC/PCC (2) Please note that: CBC between Member States is carried under the Structural Funds’ European territorial cooperation objective (not under IPA) CBC between candidates/potential candidates is carried out under a specific strand of IPA CBC in programmes which do not include Member States
16 Management and control The aim: implement programmes under the Shared management and control system (Structural Funds rules) An agreement among participating countries is required (regulates procedures for financial control and audit and for handling the recovery of funds) At start-up, transitional arrangements could apply (“neighbourhood programmes” approach: shared mngt on MS side and external aid rules on CC/PCC side)
17 Responsible Authorities Programme Structures “Single” Managing Authority, Certifying Authority (payments), Audit Authority: “normally” located in the Member States Under “transitional arrangements”: Implementing/ Contracting Authority also in CC/PCC Programme Structures: Joint Monitoring/selection Cttee: oversees implementation; responsible for selecting projects Joint Technical Secretariat: day-to-day management of the programme Balanced representation of all participating countries in programme structures
18 Specificities of CBC at EU external borders under IPA On top of the Commission decision approving the Joint programme (binding on the Member State), a Financing Agreement between the Commission and the relevant CC/PCC country is needed Programmes will have a financial table covering 3 years (instead of 7 under Structural Funds) Public procurements: a single set of rules in the entire eligible territory (external aid rules OR rules of the MS where the Management authority is located) Disbursement deadline: n+4
19 Programming IPA CBC at borders between MS and CC/PCC (1) Partner countries nominate a drafting team Main areas of intervention/priorities are agreed among partners (to be included in the relevant IPA Multi–annual Indicative Planning Documents) The relevant multi–annual joint programming document is drafted Programme contents: – SWOT analysis – Strategy – Priorities – Financial provisions – Implementing provisions
20 Programming IPA CBC at borders between MS and CC/PCC (2) Partnership principle: regional and local involvement, with national level Programme must have no breakdown of funding per country Draft joint programmes submitted to the Commission in the last quarter 2006 Programmes adopted by the Commission in the first half 2007 (COM decision) Financing agreements with third countries
21 Broad aims Promote good neighbouring relations between countries/communities Promote sustainable economic and social development in the border areas Address common challenges in environment, public health, prevention of and fight against organised crime, … Ensure efficient and secure borders Promote legal and administrative cooperation Promote local "people to people" type actions
22 Implementation (1) Priorities are implemented through joint cross- border projects led by a single “lead partner” Projects are usually selected through open call for proposals Pre-identification of projects by joint Monitoring Cttee also possible Investment projects systematically co-financed by national funds
23 Implementation (2) After selection, the Managing authorities signs a grant contract with the lead partner Transitional arrangements: separate contracting authorities in MS and CC/PCC Eligible beneficiaries: – Public local/regional authorities – Civil society, non-governmental bodies, economic and social actors
24 Participation in ERDF transnational and interregional programmes “Entry ticket” concept: IPA can financially support the participation of (potential) candidate countries in the relevant ERDF transnational/interregional programmes, as appropriate The entire territory of Western Balkans and some NUTS II areas of TR (to be confirmed) are eligible to the future South–East Europe ERDF transnational programme Coastal NUTS II areas of TR are also eligible to the ERDF Mediterranean transnational programme
27 Participation in ENPI Sea Basins programmes “Entry ticket” concept: IPA can financially support the participation of (potential) candidate countries in the relevant ENPI Sea basins programmes, as appropriate This concerns only Turkey, which coastal NUTS II regions on the Black Sea and on the Mediterranean are eligible to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean ENPI Sea basins programmes
29 Next steps Adoption of the IPA framework Regulation (June?) As soon as IPA framework Regulation is adopted: presentation of the MIFF 2007-09 (July?) presentation of the IPA implementing rules to the IPA Committee (Members States) and adoption by COM (Autumn) Strategic planning (MIPD) per country (adopted in 2nd half 2006) IPA CBC: programming meetings COM/partner countries on a programme–by-programme basis (July–September 2006)
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