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Cold War Lesson # 3 Pacts & Alliances. Bell Ringer What is an alliance? Why do alliances exist? Identify two different alliances that we have studied.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Lesson # 3 Pacts & Alliances. Bell Ringer What is an alliance? Why do alliances exist? Identify two different alliances that we have studied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Lesson # 3 Pacts & Alliances

2 Bell Ringer What is an alliance? Why do alliances exist? Identify two different alliances that we have studied and who were members of them.

3 Remember: US v. USSR Question: Why were they at war? Question: Why were they reluctant to engage in armed conflict?

4 Note Taking Superpowers As we go through the presentation, fill in the corresponding space in your notebook United StatesSoviet Union Alliances: Pacts:

5 Alliances Communist Nations Soviet Union East Germany Cuba Vietnam Eastern Europe (known as Eastern Block) Capitalist Nations United States West Germany Great Britain France Question: What impact are alliances going to have on the Cold War?

6 NATO, 1949 NATO A political and military alliance: What does NATO mean by “security”? Collective defense: What does Article 5 state? Why is this significant? NATO’s 28 members: What major nations are missing from this list? Why was NATO formed?

7 Student Activity In your groups, assign each person the following nations: Soviet Union East Germany Poland Czechoslovakia Take 3 minutes and devise a response to NATO

8 Warsaw Pact, 1955 Students read Articles 1-5 from Warsaw Pact and identify what this was and why it was formed.

9 Warsaw Pact, 1955 Not a response to NATO Is a response to West Germany being allowed to remilitarize Or is it? Nations participating: Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria Why would Eastern Europe feel the need to sign a pact?

10 Warsaw v. NATO Complete venn diagram of Warsaw Pact and NATO’s similarities/differences

11 NATO Questionnaire Agree…Disagree?

12 Case Study: NATO “There are no trees to blossom and no birds, because the war has destroyed them as well. There is no sound of birds twittering in springtime. There aren’t even any pigeons—the symbol of Sarajevo. No noisy children, no games. Even the children no longer seem like children. They’ve had their childhood taken from them, and without that they can’t be children. It’s as if Sarajevo is slowly dying, disappearing. Life is disappearing. So how can I feel spring, when spring is something that awakens life, and here there is no life, here everything seems to have died.” - Zlata Filipovic, Zlata’s Diary (March 15, 1993)

13 Case Study: NATO In the space provided in your notes, take two minutes and describe what life would be like if America was under attack. How would your life change?

14 Case Study: NATO Kosovo – Background - During Cold War, Communists had ruled Yugoslavia - Communists suppressed ethnic differences between groups of Bosnians and Serbians - When Communist ended, tensions rose -Slobodan Milosevic led ethnic cleansing Serbians were killing Bosnians After peace negotiations failed in spring 1999, NATO began bombing Serbian targets in an attempt to stop the violence

15 Case Study: NATO In groups, students come up with plan to solve problem in Kosovo Things to think about: - Several different ethnic groups are living together as one nation - Their leader has been encouraging ethnic cleansing - They do not want the involvement of other nations

16 Case Study: NATO Stop at 8:00

17 Exit Ticket '...economic, cultural and political independence... is subject as never before to the whim of the powerful.‘ Attack or defend this statement using the information you have learned about NATO

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