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Data Analysis Software Development Hisanori Furusawa ADC, NAOJ For HSC analysis software team 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Analysis Software Development Hisanori Furusawa ADC, NAOJ For HSC analysis software team 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Analysis Software Development Hisanori Furusawa ADC, NAOJ For HSC analysis software team 1

2 Status Updates 2

3 1. Prototype with Suprime-Cam Data Quick analysis with in-hose software with CFITSIO library & TERAPIX software Investigating RCM+Roobasf middleware – 1 st -stage reduction, statistics measurement, mosaic/stack, catalog making – managing analysis history and data tags in database Progress – First test in August 2008 Basic processing of data is OK Improving the system, especially in analysis results management – Testing the assembled system in Sep 2009 3

4 Raw data Processed data Statistics measurement A Snapshot of the prototype software 4

5 2. Data Simulation A field of view of HSC with artificial objects PA, CCD arrangement, Geometrical effects (Distortion+ADC, Airmass), and Vignetting – Useful for development of a procedure of data handling Photon tracing (turbulence in the atmosphere) led by Hamana&Miyazaki Example of FOV w/ vignetting 5

6 3. Discussion of Analysis Procedure Requirements on HSC data products – Hearing led by Strauss, Furusawa+  Specification & Design of HSC Analysis Determining analysis procedure & Breaking down development tasks  Determining collaboration framework  System Design 6

7 Data Acquisition BiasObjectFrameDomeFlat CreateBias CreateFlat BiasFrame FlatFrame CorrectFrame Corrected/Mask/Noise Frame FindBrightObjects Bright object list with Postage Stamps Astrometry & Distortion FluxCalib MeasurePSF WCS zeropoint PSF FindFaintObjects Faint object list MeasureObjects Standard Catalog MeasureStats Raw images Use every frames from 1 shot. Assume CCD alignment. Frame Statistics include spatial variation PSF matching detection External Catalog for single frame Sky level, seeing, detection limit, … Standard Stars Standard Star Analysis HSC Data Analysis Pipeline (1) From DAQ to Single Frame Analysis 7

8 HSCANA job WL WG job WG analysis tools can be added CollectFrame Filter, Area, Time range Group of Corrected/Mask/Noise frames MosaicFrame 1. Select stars and identification of same object 2. Solve optical distortion, atmospheric effect, CCD alignment, offsets between shots 3. Solve relative flux scaling Mosaic Information StackFrame 1. Sky Subtraction 2. Match PSF 3. Warping and flux scaling Stacked/Mask/Noise/Weight Image FindObjects FindFaintObjects MeasureObjects Astrometry FluxCalib MeasurePSF Standard Catalog for stacked image MergeObjects x 5 bands Merged/Final Catalog For the objects NOT detected in some bands, measure corresponding parameters at the positions of objects detected in other bands. MeasureShape Another Path When we process without stacking Feed back to single frames HSC Data Analysis Pipeline (2) From Mosaicking to Catalog Making with mosaic/stacked images w/o stacking 8

9 Collaborative Framework (Tentative) 1.Analysis of Correcting Frames (1a) & Constructing Mosaic Images (1b) – NAOJ/IPMU 2.Photometric & Astrometric Calibration – NAOJ/IPMU 3.Science Archive – NAOJ 4.Detection of objects & Measurements of object parameters & PSF mapping – Princeton 5.Analysis Framework – KEK, UT/Physics 9

10 Topics for Today’s Discussion For Weak Lensing Analysis: 1.Necessary Data Products (in what stage & in what format) 2.Necessary Extracted Parameters (Shape or profile, Size, Brightness …) & What are to be in Science Data Archive 3.Roles of Analysis Software Team and WL-WG on WL analysis software 10

11 1. Data Products for WL Analysis Standard HSC-ANA will provide: 1.Individual Corrected Frames (CCD-by-CCD) with.. 1.Photometric & astrometric calibration (tolerance?) 2.PSF measurements across the fields (how&what?) 3.Mosaicing information, i.e., alignment & flux scaling 4.No geometrical transformation done (distortion, airmass effect remain) 2.Stacked Mosaic Image with Above 1 & 2. (what format?) 3.Standard Object Catalog (what parameters?) Any other? 11

12 2. Parameters to be Extracted & Science Archive 1.HSC-ANA will extract standard parameters in the next slide (tentative) from standard stacked images 2. Standard parameters & images (standard corrected frames & stacked images) are supposed to be in Science archive Any other ideas? 12

13 Standard Parameters (errors are associated with all measurements) idUnique ID to identify object bandObserved band MJDMean time during exposure * Position * xc, yccenter of objects in pixel ra, decEquatrial coordinate gLong, gLat, eLong, eLat, … * Type * typestar / galaxy indicator * Flag * flagobject flag * Flux * (circle or ellipse aperture?) psfMagPSF fitted magnitude petroMagPetrosian magnitude petroRadPetrosian radius petroR50, petroR90 KronMagKron magnitude KronRadKron radius modelMagModel integrated magnitude extinctionGalactic extinction * Shape * Stokes Q and U2 nd order moment *Profile * nSersic index reffHalf light radius ABa/b axis ratio PhiPosition Angle Radial Profile -> Aperture mag if needed * Size * FWHM Some dimension indicator * After MergeObjects * type -> utilize color information photoz link -> to external catalogs (NIR photometry, spectroscopic info) HSC Data Analysis Pipeline - Standard Parameters to be measured Shape measurement related + WL dedicated parameters? 13

14 3. WL Software & Our Roles 1.HSC-ANA is responsible to provide Standard Images (Corrected frames & Stacked images) Standard Object Parameters Science Archive 2.WL-WG will determine data & parameters necessary for WL analysis and optimal methods to produce the data 3.WL-WG will lead Implementation of the methods, in collaboration with HSC-ANA members 4.The WL software can (& should) be added to the standard HSC analysis system by HSC-ANA members 14

15 End 15

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