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EXAM REVIEW JEOPARDY AP EUROPEAN HISTORY. 14 th /15 th Century 100 – 1 st humanist of Renaissance Italy – Petrarch 200- 1 st to create lifelike free standing.

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Presentation on theme: "EXAM REVIEW JEOPARDY AP EUROPEAN HISTORY. 14 th /15 th Century 100 – 1 st humanist of Renaissance Italy – Petrarch 200- 1 st to create lifelike free standing."— Presentation transcript:


2 14 th /15 th Century 100 – 1 st humanist of Renaissance Italy – Petrarch 200- 1 st to create lifelike free standing statues – Donatello 300- 2 major combatants of 100 Years War – England and France 400- 1 st European to establish a direct water route to Asia – Dias 500- Mongol rule in Russia ended by what leaders in 1580 – Ivan III Great

3 16 th Century 100- City known as the Protestant “Rome”- Geneva 200-Used inductive reasoning revolutionizing scientific thought - Bacon 300- Founder of the Jesuits- Society of Jesus – Ignatius 400- Kepler assisted what Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe 500- Philip II defeats Ottoman Turks in 1571 at the Battle of ____________ - Lepanto

4 17 th Century 100- art style associated with most of the century- Baroque 200- Author of Leviathan and what it said – Hobbes 300- Two sides in English Civil war and what they supported Cavaliers/Roundheads 400- 2 political parties in 17 th century England and what they supported Whigs (against James II) and Tories (for JamesII) 500- % of Europeans that were Protestant by the end of the 17 th century – 20%

5 18 th Century 100-Enlightened Despot of Prussia – Frederick the Great 200- 3 nations involved in Partition of Poland- Prussia, Russia, Austria 300- Philosophe who criticized the Catholic Church in the Candide – Voltaire 400- Europe –wide war 1740-48 Austrian Succession 500- serf rebellion in Russia put down by Catherine the Great – Pugachev

6 19 th Century 100- most populated city in Europe in 1800 – London 200- German philosopher who proposed the ideas of history interacts in a dialectic – Hegel 300- Czar who abolishes serfdom in Russia – Alex II 400- Movement launched in late 19 th century for a Jewish nation- state- Zionism 500- German term for formation of Austro-Hungarian empire – Ausgleich

7 20 th /21 st Century 100- better off peasants targeted by Stalin – Kulaks 200- 2 Russian reform movements under Gorbachev- perestroika and glasnost 300- The Velvet Revolution freed what Eastern European nation from Soviet domination Czechoslovakia 400- Communist leader of Yugoslavia for most of 20 th century – Tito 500- 7 Eastern European satellite nations to USSR – Poland, E Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech, Romania, Albania


9 14 th /15 th Centuries 200- author of Utopia- More 400- foremost humanist of Northern Europe – Erasmus 600- Treaty between Spain and Portugal dividing world -Tordesillas 800- War of the Roses: House of _________ vs. House of ____________ York / Lancaster 1000- Florence’s currency, the gold _________ becomes the standard currency for many European traders of the this time- florin

10 16 th Century 200- French king who issued the Edict of Nantes – Henry IV 400- largest non-Italian city in 1500 (most pop) Paris 600- Edict of _________: HRE Charles V condemns Luther’s ideas Worms 800- Name given to French massacre of Huguenots St. Bart’s Day 1000- Luther’s work that made his break with the Church permanent and founds the Lutheran Church Augsburg Confession

11 17 th Century 200- Time of Troubles associated with what country – Russia 400- 30 Years War began in what region of HRE – Bohemia 600- Royal Society of _______ becomes most prominent scientific organization in Europe. – London 800- Noble revolt against royal authority in France – 1640-1653 Fronde 1000- Newton and ________________ (German) independently developed Calculus - Gottfried Leibnitz

12 18 th Century 200- Radical political club associated with the French Revolution – Jacobin Club 400- motto of French Revolutionaries – Liberty Equality Fraternity 600- These radicals were referred to by French terminology meaning “those wearing long pants” sans-cullottes 800- Invention which allows faster thread production in the home in 1765 – spinning jenny 1000- author of “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” in 1792. – Mary Wollstonecraft

13 19 th Century 200- War of the 19 th century that broke the concert of Europe Crimean 400- Name given to the massacre of demonstrators for reform in GB in 1819 – Peterloo 600- 2 african nations that evaded imperialism during Age of Imperialism – Liberia and Ethiopia 800- British and French armies meet in a standoff in the Sudan in 1898 – Fashoda 1000- Free trade established in the German Confederacy in 1834 drawing German states closer together – Zollverein

14 20 th /21 st Centuries 200- Southern French government that collaborated with Nazis - Vichy 400- 1 st female Prime Minister of GB -Thatcher 600- term used to describe attempt by Serb leader Slobodan Milosovic to drive non-Serbs out of Yugoslavian provinces- ethnic cleansing 800- The Dutch abandoned what Asian nation known then as the Dutch East Indies in 1949 Indonesia 1000- Document issued by Nicholas II agreeing to reforms after the Revolution of 1905. – October Manifesto

15 Category: European Unification Final Jeopardy

16 Final Jeopardy Question What name is given to the treaty that transformed the EC (European Community) the EU (European Union)? Maastricht in 1992

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