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Sci. 1-1 Pages 4- 9. A. Map – a model or representation of the Earth’s surface.

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Presentation on theme: "Sci. 1-1 Pages 4- 9. A. Map – a model or representation of the Earth’s surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sci. 1-1 Pages 4- 9

2 A. Map – a model or representation of the Earth’s surface

3 B.Reference Point – a fixed place on the Earth’s surface from which direction and location can be described 1. The North and South poles are Earth’s reference points.

4 C. Cardinal directions – North, South, East, and West

5 D.Geographic Poles are in a slightly different location than magnetic poles. 1. Geographic North Pole is called true north because it never changes.

6 E. The magnetic declination- is the adjustment or difference between magnetic north and geographic north.

7 F. Latitude and longitude are intersecting lines on a globe or map that allow you to find exact locations.

8 G.Latitudes run east – west. 1. The equator is at 0 degrees latitude. North Pole – 90 degrees North latitude. South Pole – 90 degrees South latitude

9 H.Longitudes run north-south through the poles. 1.Longitudes are also called meridans. 2.The Prime Meridan - 0 degrees longitude

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