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1 Contact Information: Dr. Howard J. Singer, Chief Science and Technology Infusion Branch NOAA Space Environment Center 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Contact Information: Dr. Howard J. Singer, Chief Science and Technology Infusion Branch NOAA Space Environment Center 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Contact Information: Dr. Howard J. Singer, Chief Science and Technology Infusion Branch NOAA Space Environment Center 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 303-497-6959 303-497-5388 Background: GOES Solar X-ray Image

2 2 Serving Society with GOES-R Solar and Space Environment Data Outline: GOES and Crucial Role for Space Weather GOES Space Environment Monitor (SEM) Services GOES-R SEM Instruments and Status GOES-R SEM Vision for New Products and Services Global Earth and Solar Space Environment Observations and Conclusions AMS 2006 Annual Meeting Second GOES-R/NPOESS Sympoisum Atlanta, GA February 1, 2006 H. J. Singer, S. Hill, T. Onsager, R. Viereck and D. Biesecker NOAA Space Environment Center Background Photo: GOES Solar X-ray Image

3 3 NOAA POES NOAA GOES NASA ACE NASA SOHO L1 Monitor, Measure and Specify: Data for Today’s Space Weather ACE (NASA) –Solar wind speed, density, temperature and energetic particles –Magnetic field strength and direction SOHO (NASA) –Solar EUV Images –Solar Corona (CMEs) GOES (NOAA) –Energetic Particles –Magnetic Field –Solar X-ray Flux –Solar EUV Flux –Solar X-Ray Images POES (NOAA) –High Energy Particles –Total Energy Deposition –Solar UV Flux Ground Sites –Magnetometers (NOAA/USGS) –Thule Riometer and Neutron monitor (USAF) –SOON Sites (USAF) –RSTN (USAF) –Telescopes and Magnetographs –Ionosondes (AF, ISES, …) –GPS (CORS) GOES Measurements Unique and Crucial

4 4 Space Weather Scales Three Categories: data they are based on and example users Geomagnetic Storms (Ground-based magnetic field) Power Utilities, GPS Users, Spacecraft operations Solar Radiation Storms ( GOES > 10 MeV particles) Astronaut Safety Airline Communication Radio Blackouts (GOES Solar X-rays) Airline and Maritime HF Comm. Two of the three Space Weather Scales depend on GOES

5 5 Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS) Energetic Particle Sensors monitor solar, galactic and in situ electron, proton, and alpha particle fluxes Lower energy electrons and protons begin on GOES N Heavy Ions begin on GOES-R Completed formulation; implementation phase in source selection Magnetometer (MAG) Monitors Earth’s time-varying vector magnetic field Included in spacecraft formulation Solar Imaging Suite (SIS) X-Ray Sensor (XRS) monitors whole-Sun x-ray brightness in two bands Solar EUV Sensor (EUVS) to monitor whole-Sun EUV irradiance in five bands first on GOES N Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) monitors solar flares, coronal holes, active regions… first on GOES 12 Formulation phase nearing completion Coronagraph (SCOR) –GOES-R Pre-Planned Product Improvement (not yet manifested) GOES-R: NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Space Environment Monitor (SEM) Instrumentation Status

6 6 The following viewgraphs provide a vision of proposed “New Products to Serve Society in the GOES-R Era”

7 7 Relativistic Electron Specification Throughout Inner Magnetosphere: >2 MeV Electron Flux Current Product One value at GOES-East One value at GOES-West 5 minute cadence New Product Utilize data and models to specify radial band at all longitudes 3-D grid to low altitudes 5 minute cadence Benefit: Improved specification of the satellite-charging environment at all longitudes (GEO) and in MEO and LEO, and improved specification of human radiation hazard at International Space Station.

8 8 Magnetic Field Specification in the Inner Magnetosphere Current Product One value of field at GOES-East One value of field at GOES-West 0.5 s cadence, accuracy uncertainties New Product Improved accuracy, extrapolation to other geosynchronous locations, and new guidance for forecasters. Benefit: Current product accuracy limited because satellite is spin stabilized and because only two locations are monitored. New product will specify more accurate field and extend to other satellite locations in geosynchronous orbit. Needed for energetic particle trajectories and assessment of geomagnetic disturbances. Magnetometers measure the magnitude and direction of Earth’s magnetic field and its variability at geosynchronous orbit. The field is sampled at 2 Hz (threshold) 8 Hz (goal).

9 9 GOES-R Solar EUV Sensor Solar EUV irradiance is a primary source of energy for the upper atmosphere and ionosphere –Affects satellite drag –Affects radio communication –Affects radio navigation GOES NOP EUV sensor will be the first operational monitor of the solar EUV irradiance GOES-R EUV products will be an improvement by… –Combination of observations and modeling –Providing much higher spectral resolution –Providing better accuracy and precision

10 10 GOES-R X-Ray Sensor Solar X-ray flare observations –Impact the ionosphere and disrupt radio communications –Related to precursors of space weather storms. The value of the XRS is that it continues the same observation that has been made for nearly 30 years. New science applied to the XRS data set will provide new and improved products. –Combining GOES and POES data will improve the D-Region Absorption product –Advances in science will improve the ability to use X-ray data to predict energetic proton events D-Region Absorption Product Combinging GOES and POES data Proton Probability Product Using X- ray Temperature Data from GOES D-Region Absorption Product for HF Propagation

11 11 GOES-R Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI ) GOES-R SXI images (Simulated using of SOHO EIT data, a joint NASA/ESA research program). GOES R SXI Potential Product Improvements Automated Coronal Hole Detection and Tracking Improved synergy with XRS products Pre-flare signature detection Integration into numerical space weather models GOES R SXI will: Increase dynamic range Double sensitivity Improve spatial resolution GOES-12 SXI images.

12 12 P3I Coronagraph Geomagnetic Storm Forecast Product Now NASA/ESA SOHO Research Coronagraph observes Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) Not always real-time, beyond lifetime, no automated tools. GOES-R Instrument Status CME Detected? Earth Directed? Arrival Time: Oct 30 07:30 Earliest Arr: Latest Arr: Oct 30 02:45 Oct 30 12:15 Storm Intensity: Kp = 6 9±3 hours Storm Duration: Comments: A place for forecasters to add comments Save Image Latency < 15mins Confidence > 90% Halo: Asymmetry=30% Automated algorithms with imagery and text displayed for forecaster guidance. GOES-R view simulated from SOHO LASCO

13 13 Terrestrial Weather Coasts Oceans Space Weather Fresh Water Soil Moisture Estuaries Air Quality Atmosphere Snow Pack Environmental Services Space weather observations are integrated into NOSA, including GOES observations that contribute to the global Earth and Solar observations used in NOAA’s operations to continuously specify and forecast conditions in the space environment. NOAA Observing Systems Architecture (NOSA) and Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) NOAA is focused on building “an integrated global environmental observation and data management system”— an Earth observation system that is comprehensive and sustained. Design observing systems that support NOAA's mission and provide maximum value.

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