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Nira Salant Department of Geography University of British Columbia Effects of Streambed Periphyton on Hydraulics and Sediment Deposition in Streams.

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Presentation on theme: "Nira Salant Department of Geography University of British Columbia Effects of Streambed Periphyton on Hydraulics and Sediment Deposition in Streams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nira Salant Department of Geography University of British Columbia Effects of Streambed Periphyton on Hydraulics and Sediment Deposition in Streams

2 What is periphyton?

3 What does periphyton do? Food and habitat Physical effects?  I. Hydraulics  II. Sediment deposition

4 Sediment deposition Trapping, Adhesion, Clogging Turbulence Algae: High profileDiatoms: ‘Sticky’

5 Sediment content of surface samples

6 Deposition from water column: Diatoms Diatoms: ‘Sticky’

7 Deposition from water column: Diatoms Highest deposition velocity when near-bed and upper flow shear stresses are low and biomass is moderate (moderate adhesion, low clogging) Biomass increases:  Near-bed shear stress increases (structural roughening)  Deposition velocity decreases (high upward stresses and infiltration decreases = ‘clogging’) Depositional velocity Max shear stress Near-bed shear stress

8 Deposition from water column: Diatoms Evidence for clogging?

9 Deposition from water column: Algae Algae: High profile

10 Deposition from water column: Algae Unclear relation between biomass, shear stress, and depositional velocity Deposition decrease with biomass? Clogging? But…

11 Deposition from water column: Algae Shear stress increases with growth stage Surface deposition decreases with growth stage Later growth stage  Increase in shear stress  Less surface deposition BUT  Higher advection and infiltration (subsurface deposition) Total deposition = balance of surface and subsurface deposition High biomass reduces infiltration Depositional velocity Max shear stress Near-bed shear stress Surface samples AM

12 Deposition from water column: Algae Turbulence  Less surface deposition, deeper infiltration (A8  A20) Biomass  Reduced infiltration despite high advection (A16)

13 Implications Streambed patchiness and complexity Flow conditions, sediment accumulation, interstitial infiltration  Habitat condition  Organism behavior …a function of periphyton structure and distribution

14 Decrease in concentration over time Exponential model C 0 = peak concentration at time t = 0 k = decay (or deposition) rate (T -1 ) w s = settling velocity (D/T) = depositional velocity w d when fit to exponential model h = flow depth (D)

15 I. Hydraulics ‘Closed’ ‘Open’ Filamentous periphyton ‘patches’


17 Velocity distribution u0u0 UxUx u max u (cm/s) 50.0 0.6 u (cm/s)

18 Shear stress distribution Two-layered flow Closed Open Logarithmic layer Peak shear = top of Roughness layer Periphyton No periphyton Shift in height of roughness layer top Same thickness

19 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 00.0050.010.0150.020.025 Re/ρU x 2 ( z/H Near-bed turbulence reduction Periphyton None 2) Hydrodynamic smoothing (Closed mats) 1) Shift in location of peak shear (Open mats) Higher upper flow stress Reduced turbulent transfer

20 Diatoms 24 WeeksDiatoms 4 Weeks None


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