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Nov. 15, 2008 Jay Kuo Moderator, EFCGA 1.  History  1970: EFCLA  1982: General Assembly (5 local churches)  2008: 88 local churches and 5 organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Nov. 15, 2008 Jay Kuo Moderator, EFCGA 1.  History  1970: EFCLA  1982: General Assembly (5 local churches)  2008: 88 local churches and 5 organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nov. 15, 2008 Jay Kuo Moderator, EFCGA 1

2  History  1970: EFCLA  1982: General Assembly (5 local churches)  2008: 88 local churches and 5 organizations  Functions  Shared vision (9025, 2050)  Connection  Service  Mission (Taiwan mission) 2

3 3

4 4 Annual income: 750K

5  Challenges  No. of local churches increases significantly over years  Geographic distribution is very broad  Multi-languages and multi-cultural background  Communication to/from local churches becomes ineffective  Solutions  Regional Assemblies (from 2-level hierarchy to 3-level hierarchy)  Web-based ministry  Conference call 5

6  Resource-rich vs. resource-limited churches  Resource sharing, e.g., Christian education, worship service, etc.  Vision  Demands broader perspective and height in decision making  Vision sharing, encouragement and mobilization  Compliance  Quality & standard (SOP)  Resolution of disputes  Bylaws 6

7  Decreasing social functions  Difficult to have the joint sports event, joint retreat among southern California EFC churches  Leaders unified more by common vision rather than social relationship  Increasing importance of structured organization & management  Good structure allows an organization to grow  More effective modern communication tools  Web-based/multimedia-based  Quarterly conf. call, monthly video and weekly newsletters  Training of new generation leaders 7

8  North America  Southern California (3)  East, Middle, Southwest regions  Non-S.C. (3)  East, South, Mid & North regions  New Zealand & Australia (2)  New Zealand region  Australia region  Taiwan  North TW region  South TW region 8

9  Regional mission planning and execution  Regional resource/experience sharing  Regional ministerial association  Regional co-worker fellowship (?)  Receiving advices from senior lay leaders of other local churches in the same region  Preventive and proactive approach (versus after- fact and reactive approach) to foreseeable problems  Development of co-workers with broader viewpoint 9

10  Ex Officio members  Senior pastors (or pastor/minister in charge)  Chairperson of church council  Selected members  3-5 senior elders/deacons from local churches of the region  It is preferred they are not incumbent elders/deacons  2 years per term and can be re-selected twice 10

11  Officers  Regional Pastor-in-Charge  Regional Chairperson  Regional Secretary  Regional Treasurer  Regional Mission Director  Meetings  At least twice per year  Can be conducted by conference call 11

12  Regional Assembly functions very well in  New Zealand  Australia  North Taiwan  South Taiwan  There is room for improvement in N.A. Regional Assembly  Where to start  Regional ministerial association  Mission planning  2015 Mission goal (a bottom-up approach)  Can we increase from 44 to 66 (50% increase) or higher in N.A.?  To be finalized in 2010 bi-annual meeting 12

13  Re-organization of EFC  Role re-defining of General Assemblies  Increasing importance of Regional Assemblies  Strong General Assembly (GA) and Regional Assemblies (RA’s) will benefit EFC’s mission as a whole  Mission vision and strategy  Execution and resource sharing (people, money and media) 13

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