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Word power. the first man in China to travel in space Yang Liwei Yang Liwei.

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Presentation on theme: "Word power. the first man in China to travel in space Yang Liwei Yang Liwei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word power

2 the first man in China to travel in space Yang Liwei Yang Liwei

3 Gagarin from the former Soviet Union the first man to travel in space in the world

4 Armstrong from the USA the first man to land on the moon

5 Space exploration space explore What does an astronaut do in outer space?

6 Do you know the following equipment about space exploration?

7 words related to exploration: unmanned spaceship tracking ship artificial satellite man-made satellite space station space shuttle space exploration spacewalk spacesuit sample launch tower launch pad orbit rocket astronaut

8 tracking ship 测量船

9 launch pad 发射台 rocket launch tower 发射塔

10 space shuttle 航天飞机

11 astronaut

12 spacesuit spacewalk

13 Time Event What 1957 1959 1961 Space exploration began with the launch of the first artificial satellite. Unmanned spaceships have been launched into space. People were orbiting the Earth. Photos have been taken and samples have been collected from the planets,no evidence of life has been discovered Read Part A and fill in the blanks

14 Fill in the blanks with proper words from the picture on P6 Today we had an unforgettable experience in the Space Museum in the centre of our city. First, the narrator (讲解员) introduced the first successful moon-landing mission (登月飞行) in the world.We saw some photos of those famous _________ like Neil Armstrong. Then, we were shown around a ____________ and a ____________which are used to lift the _____________into space. The most exciting moment came when we were allowed to wear _________ to experience the simulated (模拟的) ______________. astronauts launch tower launch pad space shuttle spacesuits spacewalk

15 I struggled (费力的) into the 50kg spacesuit. When I went into the ___________ for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited and proud. When the spaceship was launched and separated (分离) from the _______, I suddenly got a feeling of flying to the sky.At the moment the spaceship touched down to the ground, I felt my body was very heavy.I can’t wait to share my wonderful experience with my friends. space ship rocket

16 1.make a speech to sb 2.carry out space exploration no evidence of life 4.collect samples from the planets 5.come true research 7.obit the earth 8.provide oxygen 9.dream of becoming an astronaut 10.separate from 1. 给某人作演说 2. 执行太空探险计划 3. 没有发现生命的迹象 4. 从那些星球上收集样品 5. 变为现实 6. 做研究 7. 绕地飞行 8. 提供氧气 9. 梦想成为宇航员 10 从 --- 分离

17 SunMercury Pluto Jupiter Uranus Venus Earth MarsSaturn Neptune

18 Part D on P7 Earth Jupiter Mercury Mars Neptune Pluto Venus Saturn Uranus 9 2 6 7 3 5 1 4 8 9 2 6 7

19 words related to space: universe star solar system 太阳系 galaxy 星系, 银河, outer space inner space planet ( Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 Mercury 水星 Neptune 海王星 Pluto 冥王星 Venus 金星 Saturn 土星 Uranus 天王星 ) Earth

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