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LESSON 15 CONNECTIONS 1.How do we honor God’s representatives? By serving & obeying, loving & respecting them.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSON 15 CONNECTIONS 1.How do we honor God’s representatives? By serving & obeying, loving & respecting them."— Presentation transcript:

1 LESSON 15 CONNECTIONS 1.How do we honor God’s representatives? By serving & obeying, loving & respecting them.

2 LESSON 15 CONNECTIONS 2.Even though he had become ruler in Egypt, how did Joseph show that he still honored his father? Joseph invited his father to come and stay with him. He was happy when they reunited, and proudly presented his father to Pharaoh.

3 LESSON 15 CONNECTIONS 3.True or False? Explain your answer. God’s commandment to honor our parents applies mostly to children who are under 18 years old. False. No matter how old we are or they are, we are always to honor our parents.

4 LESSON 15 CONNECTIONS 4.Finish this sentence: We honor our parents and other representatives of God not only by our outward actions but also… by loving and respecting them with our thoughts and in our hearts.

5 THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT You shall not murder. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor in his body, but help and befriend him in every bodily need.

6 LESSON 16 CONNECTIONS 1.What does God forbid in the 5 th Commandment? God forbids us to murder, hate, hurt, or harm our neighbor.

7 LESSON 16 CONNECTIONS 2.Although none of us has actually killed someone, how is it possible that, in God’s eyes, we have murdered our neighbor? In God’s eyes, hurting, harming, or hating our neighbor is no different than taking someone’s life.

8 LESSON 16 CONNECTIONS 3.Evaluate this statement: God says that hatred is murder because hatred may lead to murder. Hatred doesn’t just lead to murder; it is the desire for murder in our hearts.

9 LESSON 16 CONNECTIONS 4.Imagine that a high school girl in your neighborhood is considering having an abortion. What might you tell her, to show her that she shouldn’t? In the Bible God shows us that the life in a mother’s womb is a living person. He created that life. It is a sin for us to end that life. Abortion robs a child of his or her time of grace—the time to be brought to faith through Baptism and the Word.

10 1 John 3:15 Anyone who hates his brother is a murder, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.

11 THE 5 TH COMMANDMENT: OUR NEIGHBOR’S WELFARE Lesson 17 Faith Foundations Course One

12 What does God command concerning our neighbor’s welfare?

13 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 1.Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Why was this surprising that a priest and a Levite ignored and passed by the wounded Jewish man? The priests and Levites had dedicated their lives to serving God and others. You’d expect them to help someone in trouble.

14 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 2.The Jews might have expected the Samaritan to ignore the wounded man. Why? The man was a Jew, and Jews and Samaritans were enemies.

15 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 3.Though the wounded man was of a different nationality and considered an enemy, the Samaritan overlooked those differences and helped the man. Why do you think he did that? The man was in need. Because the Samaritan had a kind and loving heart, he was willing to help.

16 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 4.Amanda’s father gave a donation to earthquake victims in Indonesia. “But Dad, those people persecute Christians. How can you help them?” What reason can you think of for helping those people? Christians respond to God’s love in Christ by loving those who are in need of help—no matter what.

17 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 5.Read the following passages and indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors. a. Galatians 6:10 All people, especially believers.

18 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 5.Read the following passages and indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors. b. Ephesians 4:31,32 Those who have sinned against us.

19 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 5.Read the following passages and indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors. c. James 1:27 Orphans and widows.

20 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 5.Read the following passages and indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors. d. James 2:15-17 Brothers and sisters (friends).

21 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 5.Read the following passages and indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors. e. Matthew 5:44 Our enemies.

22 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 6.Cari’s dad wasn’t going to donate to the homeless shelter because they’re “losers.” Look at James 2:15,16 again. Discuss this question: Before we decide whether or not we are going to help someone, should we figure out if the person deserves our help? God simply tells us to help those who NEED it. If they would misuse our gift—and buy drugs with it, for example—then we can help them in other ways.

23 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 7.Read Romans 5:8. How much did we deserve Jesus’ help? We didn’t.

24 WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? 8.What example did Jesus set for us, to help us decide who deserves to be treated as our neighbor? Jesus died for sinners. Even those who have sinned against us are our neighbors.

25 KEY POINT #1 Our neighbor is… anyone in need—believer or unbeliever, friend or enemy.

26 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 9.Read Genesis 13:5-11. How did Abraham show, by his words and actions, that he was a good neighbor to Lot and his family? Abraham gave Lot first pick in choosing land for his family and animals?

27 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 10.Recall the Bible story of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20. How did Jonathan show that he was a good neighbor to David? Jonathan risked his life by speaking up for David and asking his father, the king, why he was angry with David.

28 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 11.Beside each of the following passages indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors and what we are to do to help them. a. Isaiah 58:7 Needy strangers and your own family members—food, shelter, clothing, help your family especially

29 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 11.Beside each of the following passages indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors and what we are to do to help them. b. Hebrews 13:16 Others—do good things for them and share with them.

30 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 11.Beside each of the following passages indicate whom we are to consider our neighbors and what we are to do to help them. c. Romans 12:20 Enemies—give them food and drink

31 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 12.Read 1 Timothy 2:3,4. Evaluate this statement: The fact that God wants everyone to be saved shows us why we should treat even our enemies as neighbors. Agree. If we treat our enemies with kindness, we may have the opportunity to share Christ with them.

32 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 13.For each circumstance listed, give an example of how a caring Christian could offer help. a. A boy is always being picked on at school. Be a friend to him. Try to get the others to stop bothering him. Talk to a teacher about the problem.

33 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 13.For each circumstance listed, give an example of how a caring Christian could offer help. b. A father is killed in an accident. Give money to the family. Start a fund drive to help pay expenses. Pray for them. Visit and encourage them.

34 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 13.For each circumstance listed, give an example of how a caring Christian could offer help. c. A construction worker is injured in a fall and is no longer able to work in the construction trades. Give him food and clothing as needed. Help him find training and a job in another field.

35 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 13.For each circumstance listed, give an example of how a caring Christian could offer help. d. An elderly widow struggles to do her yard work. Volunteer to help with or do all of the work for her.

36 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 13.For each circumstance listed, give an example of how a caring Christian could offer help. e. A homeless man is shivering in front of a fire under a railroad bridge. Provide warm clothing and blankets for him. Get him to a shelter. Help him find a job so he can provide for himself.

37 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 13.For each circumstance listed, give an example of how a caring Christian could offer help. f. A high school gift is on the edge of a highway, struggling to change a tire in the rain. Stop and change the tire for her, call a service truck, or flag down someone else for help.

38 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 14.Name some ways you could use your skills as a volunteer to help others. Baby sitting for free, raking leaves, writing a letter for an elderly person, visiting shut-ins, helping an older relative, being a part of a youth service project.

39 HOW CAN WE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS? 15.Evaluate this statement: These days you can’t risk helping a stranger. You never know when he or she might be a criminal who might rob or hurt you. You always need to be careful. Your safety comes first! But there are many ways to help someone in need.

40 KEY POINT #2 God commands us… to help and befriend our neighbor.

41 WHAT DOES GOD COMMAND CONCERNING OUR NEIGHBOR’S WELFARE? 1.Our neighbor is anyone in need—believer or unbeliever, friend or enemy. 2.God commands us to help and befriend our neighbor. SUMMARY God commands us to help and befriend anyone who is in need.

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