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The Pros and Cons of Career- and Position- based Systems Rabat 24 – 25 May 2007 GOOD GOVERNANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN ARAB COUNTRIES INITIATIVE Knut Rexed.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pros and Cons of Career- and Position- based Systems Rabat 24 – 25 May 2007 GOOD GOVERNANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN ARAB COUNTRIES INITIATIVE Knut Rexed."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pros and Cons of Career- and Position- based Systems Rabat 24 – 25 May 2007 GOOD GOVERNANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN ARAB COUNTRIES INITIATIVE Knut Rexed Former Director General Swedish Agency for Public Management

2 The OECD context  Different political and administrative models.  No common system for public employment, but a spectrum of different models and systems.  No common evolutionary trend due to the strong path dependency … but possibly a growing shared awareness of the issues involved.

3 Career-based system Position-based systems StatutoryContractual The OECD context

4 ”Contractual” means unlimited but revocable employment contracts. Term contracts are normally only used for temporary labour needs. Outsourcing and use of private service providers also provide flexibility The OECD context

5 Typical characteristics of Career-based Systems  Employees are guaranteed employment, but not a specific position.  Entry into the system is through a separate competitive process.  Mobility within the system is through a different process, which can be less stringent and less transparent.  There are formal rules for the system, and a centralized management.

6  Competitive recruitment to each position.  No right of transfer to another position.  Selections may be based on position- specific competence assessments.  Recruitment decisions may be decentralized. Typical characteristics of Position-based Systems

7  The traditional norm is a statutory career- based system.  An elaborate set of different specialized careers.  France is presently seeking ways to increase the flexibility of its career systems.  A number of specialists are recruited to positions outside the career systems. A first archetype: France

8  A traditional dual system with parallel career- based and position-based systems.  The career-based system is governed by statutes, while the position-based system is governed by contracts.  The model has been challenged, but there have so far been no major changes. A second archetype: Germany

9 A third archetype: Sweden  The traditional norm is a position-based system.  Statutory governance has been replaced by contracts. Recruitment and promotion decisions have been delegated to the agencies.  Formal career-based systems exist in the armed forces, and the police, judiciary and foreign services.  Informal career-based systems exist in certain large government agencies.

10 The advantages of Career-based Systems  The foundation of fealty systems (as opposed to employment systems).  Encourages professionalization.  Promotes a common culture and common core values.  Better protection for due processes and a proper application of the laws.

11 The drawbacks of Career-based Systems  Produces generalists rather than specialists.  Tends to be static and inflexible.  Tends to promote risk avoidance rather than performance.  May be resilient to political governance.

12 The advantages of Position-based Systems  Enables decentralisation.  Easier to adapt recruitment to specific competence need in different activities.  Easier to differentiate pay and other employment conditions after the market situation.  Easier to achieve a strong performance- orientation.

13 The drawbacks of Position-based systems  Higher transaction costs.  Does not promote a common culture or common core values.  More vulnerable for sub-optimization.  More vulnerable for patronage.  More vulnerable for political interference.

14 The issues of Change Management  Revising an existing fealty structure is sensitive and can be difficult.  A position based system has to be used for adaptation to local needs in order to motivate its higher transaction costs.  The introduction of a position-based system should therefore be linked to investments in managerial competences.  A total change of the entire system is much more difficult than a piece-mal change.

15 The issues of Change Management The optimal structure may be an appropriate dual structure. Position-based systems Career-based systems StatutoryContractual Traditional core functions Services and other production functions


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