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MLA Citation Intermediate Practice. Part 1: Books.

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1 MLA Citation Intermediate Practice

2 Part 1: Books

3 Instructions  For each question, you have the publication information. You need to create an in-text citation entry and a work cited entry. You should use your MLA Citation Guide to help you create the in- text and citation entries. Do not forget the formatting rules (punctuation, spacing, etc.)!

4 Citing a Book Basic Formula Author’s Name. Title of the Book: Subtitle of the Book. Ed. Editor’s Name. Publishing City: Publishing Company, Copyright Year. Publication Medium. Burke, Jim. The English Teacher’s Companion: A Complete Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, and the Profession. Ed. Lois Bridges. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook Publishers, 1999. Print.

5 Book #1 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Burton 122). Burton, Maurice, and Robert Burton. The World’s Disappearing Wildlife. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1978. Print.

6 Book #2 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Gleick 97-98). Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.

7 Book #3 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Wysocki 207). Wysocki, Anne Frances, et. al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan: Utah State Press, 2004. Print.

8 Part 2: Encyclopedias

9 Citing an Encyclopedia Basic Formula Author’s Name. “Article Title.” Title of the Encyclopedia: Subtitle of the Encyclopedia. Copyright Year. Publication Medium. Johnson, W.B. “Ross Dependency.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 2002. Print.

10 Encyclopedia #1 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Van Gelder 137-138). Van Gelder, Richard G. “Endangered Species.” The New Book of Knowledge. 1987. Print.

11 Encyclopedia #2 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Novak 501). Novak, Sarah A. “Personal Relationships with Obesity.” Encyclopedia of Obesity. 2008. Print.

12 Encyclopedia #3 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Lyas 358). Lyas, Colin, and Kevin McAllister. “Mona Lisa.” Encyclopedia of Art. 1996. Print.

13 Part 3: Internet

14 Citing the Internet Basic Formula Author’s Name. “Article Title.” Title of the Website: Subtitle of the Website. Date the Site Was Created/Updated/or Copyright Date. Publication Medium. Date Viewed. Kinnaer, Jacques. “The History of Ancient Egypt.” The Ancient Egypt History Site. 22 March 2010. Web. 11 June 2010.

15 Internet #1 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (“Roman Religion”). “Roman Religion” and “Vestal Virgins.” The Roman Empire. 2007. Web. 23 November 2007.

16 Internet #2 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (Felluga). Felluga, Dino. “Survey of the Literature of England.” Purdue University. August 2006. Web. 31 May 2007.

17 Internet #3 Answers (-1 for any mistake) In-Text: (“Negative Effects”). “Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication, The.” Social Media Today. 2009. Web. 23 November 2011.

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