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Willowridge High School A:B: Mount AtacamaMount McKinley What is the highest point on Earth? C:D: Andes MountainsMount Everest.

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Presentation on theme: "Willowridge High School A:B: Mount AtacamaMount McKinley What is the highest point on Earth? C:D: Andes MountainsMount Everest."— Presentation transcript:


2 Willowridge High School

3 A:B: Mount AtacamaMount McKinley What is the highest point on Earth? C:D: Andes MountainsMount Everest


5 A:B: windMoving water All of these save one contribute to erosion C:D: glaciersMoving soil


7 A:B: Rain, melted snow, lakes and rivers oceans Groundwater comes from… C:D: springsaquifers

8 Rain, melted snow, lakes and rivers

9 A:B: Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams Geysers, hot springs, snowfields, cliffs Which of the following are examples of landforms? C:D: Cities, towns, villages, and counties Mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains.


11 A:B: Isthmus of PanamaGrand Canyon ____is the deepest depression on earth. C:D: Mariana TrenchDead Sea

12 Mariana Trench

13 A:B: Russian AbyssDead Sea _____is the lowest dry land point. C:D: Loch NessMariana Trench

14 Dead Sea

15 A:B: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mars Pluto, Sun, Saturn, and Mars Which of the following are terrestrial planets? C:D: Earth, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars


17 A:B: Was once joined in a single large continent They looked the same today as they did long ago Many believe this about the earth C:D: Were always separatedThey were pulled apart over a period of two centuries

18 Was once joined in a single large continent

19 A:B: jagscraters ____are cracks in the earths crust. Continental shelves C:D: faults


21 A:B: Ground, air, and waterCore, mantle, crust The three layers of the earth are… C:D: Water, mantle, crustCore, mantle, air

22 Core, mantle, crust

23 A:B: Agreement to stop taxing goods and services A ban on trade from one country to another An embargo can be described as … C:D: A ban on export taxes A tax on imports

24 A ban on trade from one country to another

25 A:B: suburbsCity regions Houston and its surrounding areas are known as… C:D: Metropolitan areasCity-states

26 Metropolitan areas

27 A:B: IndustrialPolitical The end of the 1900s brought about the … C:D: HumaneInformation


29 A:B: Totalitarian government Key powers held by the national government The unitary system can be described as… C:D: An absolute monarchyHaving power shared equally between all branches of government

30 Key powers held by the national government

31 A:B: A free- enterprise system Very strict controls Communism is a command economy with… C:D: Very few controlsA moderate level of control

32 Very strict controls

33 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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