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Harcourt 10-11 Theme 4 Lesson 17 Whole Group Day 2 and 3.

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1 Harcourt 10-11 Theme 4 Lesson 17 Whole Group Day 2 and 3


3 The BIG Question: What strategies do good readers use to help them understand a story?


5 Comprehension Strategy: Your reading rate is how quickly or slowly you read a text. When you adjust your reading rate, you change the speed at which you are reading. * Read items like science and social studies textbooks, scientific articles, how-to manuals, and directions more slowly. * Read items like fiction stories, letters from friends, and other text that is easy to read at a regular rate.

6 When I was little, I drew pictures with colored chalk on the sidewalk in front of our apartment. Painting pictures of people is still one of my favorite things to do. My family is from a small village in central Japan. Many ideas for my art come from Japanese art forms. Kabuki is a type of traditional Japanese theater. Kabuki actors wear bold red and white face paint and make big, dramatic gestures. You can see these influences in the pictures of people I paint today.

7 Art helps us share our stories and feelings with other people. When you look at my art, I hope that it will inspire you to share your own story.


9 Art and Artists Kinds of Art Tools Artists Use Type of Images Artists Create Where You Can See Art


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