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Published byEdgar Bradley Modified over 9 years ago
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz University Faculty of Engineering MENG 490 Strategic management and Leadership skills Team # G2 Strategic planning TasksAcademic IDStudent NameLeader0704657 Sultan Talal Aqeel Facilitator0704672 Abdulmajeed Ali Hammas Motivator0611169 Hythum Adnan Qari Time keeper 0612806 Ahmad Saeed Al-Hazmi Spoke person 0704611 Husam Abed Al hothaly Member0711726 Amjad Gharamallah AlGhamdi Spring 2010 Section : FA & FB
Presentation Agenda TimeTaskTimeTask 10 min9- ambition.5 min1- worm up activity. 30 min10- break5 min2-story of success. 10 min11- activity.15 min3-strategic management. 15 min12- vision.15 min4- participation activity 10 min13- wisdoms and lessons. 15 min5-strategic planning. 10 min14- vision levels.10 min6-story of success 2 10 min15- vision in logos.7 min7- participation activity 2. 10 min16- activity.5 min8- observations. 10 min17- summary.
Presentation contents 9- ambition.1- worm up activity. 10- activity.2-story of success. 11- vision.3-strategic management. 12- wisdoms and lessons.4- participation activity 13- vision levels.5-strategic planning. 14- vision in logos.6-story of success 2. 15- activity.7- participation activity 2. 16- summary.8- observations.
Worm up Activity
A story of success ?? عبدالرحمن الداخل ( صقر قريش )
What is the Management ?? Management Is the achievement of organizational objectives through people and other resources
Making Decisions Or Solving Problems CensorshipGuidanceArrangementPlanning
Strategic Management Trilogy CreativityCommunications Strategic planning Selecting the ambitions VisionValuesMission Analysis of the environment Executive planning Continuous assessment
Active strategic management trilogy The power points of the strategic manager are Built by the philosophy of Strategic planning Provided by the skills of Creative thinking And Perfection of Communications skills Outer body Heart CNS
تحليل البيئة Environment al Analysis تحليل البيئة Environment al Analysis تقويم مستمر Continuous assessment تقويم مستمر Continuous assessment تحديد الطموح Identify ambitious تحديد الطموح Identify ambitious تخطيط تنفيذي Executive planning تخطيط تنفيذي Executive planning الرسالة Mission الرسالة Mission الرؤية Vision الرؤية Vision القيم Values القيم Values تحليل خارجي External analysis تحليل خارجي External analysis تحليل داخلي Internal analysis تحليل داخلي Internal analysis الإدارة الإستراتيجية Strategic management الإدارة الإستراتيجية Strategic management بطاقة الأداء المتوازن Balanced score card (BCS) بطاقة الأداء المتوازن Balanced score card (BCS)
Participation Activity وجبة تفكيرية
تعريف التخطيط الاستراتيجي؟ Identify the strategic planning? اكتب عنوان كل فائدة من فوائد التخطيط الاستراتيجي السبع في المكان الصحيح. Write a title for each text of the strategic planning benefits in the right blank.
Strategic Planning Is the detailed specification of both the long-term aims and the strategy for achieving them. Strategic Planning
The benefits of strategic planning Performance Measurement Optimal use of resources To identify the strengths and weaknesses Explain the steps of Contact Participation Taking care of problems before they occur Identification of strategic priorities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The process of developing strategic actions to: 1. deploy company resources and competencies. 2. seize environmental opportunities. 3. confront threats 4. overcome and/or neutralize internal constraints and weaknesses. Strategic Planning
1. Top management to set the stage for the process. 2. Arranging base data. 3. Performing the base analysis. 4. Performing the situation analysis. 5. Performing the gap analysis. 6. Developmental activities. 7. Designing the plan. 8. Plan evaluation and approval. 9. Implementation. 10. Review and updating. The Planning process
A story of success 2 ??
Participation Activity 2 وجبة تفكيرية
لماذا التخطيط حاجة ضرورية على المستوى الشخصي؟ Why planning is necessary for you as a person ? ما علاقة التخطيط الشخصي بالتخطيط المؤسسي؟ What is the relation between the personal planning and the corporate planning ?
With lack of planning, that keeps many people lose their way to success and their goals, and with extra efforts with zero productivity, thus that’s when they give up everything. إذا لم تبدأ من الآن فستحصد المزيد من الخسائر. If you can’t start from now, then prepare for losing. إذا فشلت في التخطيط فقد خططت للفشل. If you failed in planning, then your planning was a failure. Loosing
خصص ساعة لتختلي فيها بنفسك فأنت بحاجة لساعة هادئة يوميا تفكر فيها في نفسك وحياتك وتتأمل فيها الكون من حولك وتبتكر بعض الأفكار. Devoted an hour to retire on your own, you need a calm hour every day to think about yourself and your life and contemplate the universe around you and create some ideas. Advice
Where I want to be? What are my future ambitions ??? Are my ambitions match my principal and values? إذا لم تبني قلاعك في الهواء فلن تبنيها في أي مكان أخر ( مثل اسباني ) If u don’t build your constructions in the air, you’ll never build them anywhere. (Spanish speech) إذا لم تكن تعرف إلى أي شيء تطمح فإنك تطمح إلى لا شيء if u don’t know what is the direction of your ambitions, so your ambitions goes to nothing.
MissionValuesVision Ambitious
Based in your knowledge, give a definition for Activity Vision. Values. Mission.
Mission The mission can be defined as the unique properties of the organization that specialize it from the others هي الخصائص الفريدة للمنظمة التي تميزها عن غيرها من المنظمات.
Values values are the organization's essential and enduring tenets a set of general guiding principles; not to be compromised financial gain or expediency. القيم الأساسية للمنظمة هي مجموعة من المبادئ التوجيهية العامة ؛ لا يجوز المساس بها لتحقيق مكاسب مالية أو نفعية.
Vision The vision can be defined as the visualize for the future orientation of the organization, so it expresses the dreams required to achieve. هي تصور للتوجه المستقبلي للمنظمة، فهي تعبر عن الأحلام المطلوب تحقيقها.
I am the best doctor
New generation teacher
The richest man in the century
Simple Activity
The way to your vision is full of ……………..
Wisdoms and lessons obtained
Life is full of stones …. I will not fall by them But I will collect them and built a stairs to the success
Try to reach the top
Reach your vision Even if it’s too long but there is light at the end Even if you draw your plan in the air
There is no failed man in this life, but there is a man who started from the bottom and remained there
vision Strategic aim Phase aim Procedural aim Procedural aim Phase aim Procedural aim Strategic aim : 5 years or more Phase aim : 2 – 3 years Procedural aim : 1 day – 1 week Vision’s levels
رؤية الإسلام إن رؤية الإسلام تتمثل في أن يرى كل مسلم الإسلام قد عمّ الأرض وانتشر فيها ولم يبقى موضع شبر فيها إلا وهو ينطق ( لا اله إلا الله محمد رسول الله ) Islamic vision The vision of Islam is to see this religion spread across the world and each part of it say ( لا اله إلا الله محمد رسول الله )
Our mission is to provide a client with the move people and things up, down, and to aspects of the short distances,The highest degree of reliability and excellence
Record 7 patents and 16 provided a study in organic chemistry a pioneer in the use of bacteria to combat environmental pollution
What would you do If you loss your fortune ????????
Oman's Mohammed Al Barwani, lost his fortune in construction translated into a global oil baron
Sort each of the fallowing logos under the proper classification ?? Activity 2
Summary ????
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