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September 22, 2015 Shawanna Arnold Assistant Principal Annual Title I Meeting Gullatt Elementary School Review of Title I Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "September 22, 2015 Shawanna Arnold Assistant Principal Annual Title I Meeting Gullatt Elementary School Review of Title I Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 22, 2015 Shawanna Arnold Assistant Principal Annual Title I Meeting Gullatt Elementary School Review of Title I Plan

2 Let us know… When poll is active, respond at Text SHAWANNAARNO916 to 37607 once to join

3 Purpose Share Title I Plan with all stakeholders. Share Focus School Status and Plan

4 Definition of Title I Title I provides federal funding that is allocated to schools based on the percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch.

5 Schoolwide Programs The school uses Title I funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the schools. The funds are used to serve all children in order to raise academic achievement. The funds are used to provide additional assistance to students who experience difficulties meeting the state performance targets.

6 Schoolwide Program The school must collect and analyze data that effects student achievement. The school must develop a comprehensive school plan and annually review the effectiveness of the plan.

7 Focus Improve instruction in all content areas.  Reading/ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies Improve practices of using data to support and drive instruction. Assist students in becoming critically engaged citizens who contribute to the school community.

8 Budget Approximately $196K  Staff (Teacher, Instructional Coach, Parent Liaison)  Technology (Chromebooks)  Student Materials  Extended Day Tutorial

9 The Title I Plan Professional Development  Guided Reading, Writing  Number Talks, Guided Math  Data Utilization Instructional Strategies Personalized Learning Implementation of data teams and improved data practices  Frequent data talks  Data displays  Data binders School wide Positive Behavior System

10 Monitoring the Plan Math  End of the unit assessments, STAR Math, Redbird, common assessments Reading  DIBELS, STAR Reading/Early Literacy, Scholastic Reading Inventory, common assessments, WriteScore, PBAs. Social Studies/Science  End of the unit assessments, common assessments Discipline data  Number of suspensions, incidents etc.

11 Gullatt Elementary School CCRPI Score (2014)

12 Achievement Gap Focus Schools Focus Schools are identified as Title I schools having the lowest Achievement Gap performance in the state based on gap size and gap change.

13 Entrance Criteria for Focus Schools The school must be a Title I school The school must not meet the definition of a Priority school The school must have three years of data Calculation: 1. 3-year average of Achievement Gap scores 2. Rank schools by 3-year average of Achievement Gap scores 3. Select lowest 10% Schools identified as Focus Schools in 2012 which do not meet the exit criteria will be re-identified as Focus Schools.

14 CCRPI Overview Georgia Elementary Schools (2014)

15 Gullatt Elementary School CCRPI Three-Year Trend Data CCRPI Component 201220132014 Achievement3835.435.2 Progress14.911.914.5 Achievement GAP 0011 Challenge1.5.9 Overall CCRPI Score 53.947.861.6


17 Achievement Gap Component Gap size is defined as the difference between the state mean of zero (0) and the average z score of the students in the lowest quartile ( bottom 25%) by subject. Gap change is defined as the gap size for the current year minus the gap size for the prior year.

18 C. H. Gullatt Elementary School Achievement Gap 3-Year Average 3.676.337.00

19 Focus School Exit Criteria Focus Schools will exit Focus status when they: 1. No longer meet the definition of a Focus School and 2. Demonstrate a 2.5 point increase in the 3-year average of Achievement Gap scores 2014 3-year average will serve as the baseline Schools that were identified as Focus schools in spring 2012 may exit Focus status if they no longer meet the definition of a Focus school and have increased their Achievement Gap points by 2.5 points or exceed the state level 3-year average of Achievement Gap Points.

20 Next Steps Additional Support Additional Funding Professional Development

21 Let’s stay connected @GullattES1

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