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Arthur Schneeberger (Vienna)

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1 International comparison of qualifications: ISCED and EQF as converging classification frameworks?
Arthur Schneeberger (Vienna) Contribution to the DECOWE Conference: Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2009

2 Contents Starting point  Diversity of VET landscapes
Definition problems of “Higher education” Semantic problems of comparison Lack of standards in ISCED Input- and outcomes-Descriptors ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) and EQF (European Qualifications Framework) Common features Differences Correspondence Some reflections about future developments

3 Diversity of national qualification systems

4 Another example of classification problems: Higher education or Tertiary-type A programme (ISCED 5A)

5 Another example of classification problems: Tertiary-type A programmes (ISCED 5A): data

6 Comparison of “Higher education” with severe semantic problems

7 Lack of substantial standards in ISCED

8 Descriptors: from input to outcomes


10 Common features of ISCED and EQF

11 Structural correspondence between ISCED and EQF

12 Where are the differences between ISCED and EQF?

13 Some reflections about future developments
„Particular attention must also be paid to the impact of a learning outcomes approach as used in the EQF on classifications of knowledge, skills and competences. Future developments of existing statistical classifications and nomenclatures allowing for the measurement of education and training attainment such as the ISCED 97 should therefore take this into consideration.“ (Proposal for a Recommendation ..., 2006, p. 11f.; underlined letters not in the original text ). It is not clear how the EQF would be able to improve ISCED. But in the long run it will be important that the two classification systems shall be compatible to a high degree ISCED will have ongoing relevance: It is the globally used classification system The EU defines benchmarks based on ISCED (e.g. tertiary rate of at least 40 % in 2020) Educational policy is based internationally and nationally on ISCED We have to work on clearly defined sector related projects about qualifications in Europe using ECVET, EQF and other devices to reach more realistic evidence in the future for general levels – otherwise we shall get lost in stagnancy In the very long run national systems might get less diverse

14 Sources

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